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Sensual Crochet


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Hey all -


Has this ever happened to you?:angry :angry

I ordered a pattern book called "Sensual Crochet" online and I was thrilled with it as I first flipped through it. The patterns are gorgeous. I got a little ticked off, however, when I decided I the first thing I would attempt was the sweater on the front cover. I was looking at the yarn requirements (Lorna's Laces Angel - I'd never heard of it before) and when I went online to check out the price I couldn't believe what I found! I should have clued in when the book stated that the hanks are less than 15 grams each, but I don't have a lot of experience with anything other than acrylic yarns. Each 50 yard hank is worth nearly $15.00! If you were to make the sweater in the XL size - which I probably would have - you require 35 hanks!! That's $525.00!!!! Who would be crazy enough to pay that!??! I'm so mad I could spit, I was falling hard for the sweater and now I can't have it. Unless there's someone out there who can recommend a suitable yarn substitute?


Grr. I feel like I just wasted my money.

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Wow, Rayleen, that is some tiny skeins of high priced yarn!!! I have experienced somewhat the same but with yarn that would be about $100 for a sweater, never 500:eek that is astronomical. I would be upset too!


Are you able to go to an LYS and maybe look at some of the Angel, see if they can recommend a substitute? Or maybe order one skein of it to take with you to look for something?


Yarndex says it is light worsted so you could look for something else the same gauge and give it a try. Probably if you can find something that will crochet to gauge, you can make the sweater just fine. Actually I find Simply Soft to be "light worsted" so it might work....of course it won't look or feel like angora.


If all the patterns in the book are similar, maybe think about posting a review on Amazon to at least warn others.

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Holy crap! :eek For $525, it dang well better crochet itself, launder itself, and fold itself up in your sweater drawer after every washing! My wedding dress didn't cost that much!


I just did a Google search for Light Worsted Weight yarns and found some by Lion Brand that I've actually used a few of and can recommend:


Babysoft: http://www.lionbrand.com/cgi-bin/yarnInfo.cgi?V2=&pageLength=100&yarnPage=1418803


Tiffany (which even says it has the look and feel of angora, so that might be a good fit: http://www.lionbrand.com/cgi-bin/yarnInfo.cgi?V2=&pageLength=100&yarnPage=1694565


Microspun: http://www.lionbrand.com/cgi-bin/yarnInfo.cgi?V2=&pageLength=100&yarnPage=1419095


I've used the Babysoft and Tiffany before and liked them well enough, but neither project was a sweater--I think one was a scarf and a pair of mittens and I'm pretty sure the Babysoft one was an afghan.


Hope that helps--good luck!

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Hey, I bought a book that was predominately knitted patterns that featured Rowena yarns and the "Sistine Chapel" of patterns was a dressing gown with a TRAIN!!!! I priced the recommended yarn for what I would need to do up a knit to crochet conversion and it would have been around $600.00! I did a substition in a Microspun (which is not easy to work with) for about $80.00. I'm proud of my efforts...


You can have the sweater, just not with their recommended yarn...look around for a suitable substition...it can be done...

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You can go to the Yarndex and find substitutes:




If you go to most yarn sites, they have either a yarn switcher or their yarns listed by weight. You'll be able to scroll through and find something to suit you.









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Thanks so much ladies,


I've been crocheting most of my life, but I don't have a LYS so most of my yarn comes off Wal-mart shelves. I'm just trying to start into some clothes that I could wear, and have never really needed to substitute yarn for any pattern before, so your suggestions have been a wonderful help.


I just can't get over the idea that a line of yarn that price would ever sell - there must be some pretty wealthy hookers out there!!! LOL

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I guess it is easier to afford for something knitted since you would need less yarn; maybe it mostly gets used for hats or as an accent along with another yarn. Are the other patterns in the book made with similarly expensive yarns? I am just curious about that. I've been curious about the book in general since I read your post, so I looked around online for references to it. I noticed in the descriptions I found of the book it said the designs were inspired by the runway, and are high-fashion, use luxurious yarns...I guess that all equals highly expensive in this case! One site used the word upscale so I guess that is a clue. But I don't know, was the author (or publisher, or whoever makes these decisions) just trying to use the most expensive possible yarn? I mean, the cover sweater is gray, right? The Lorna's Laces yarns are hand-dyed, and just looking at the website, there are some gorgeous colors. But there must be tons of soft and luxurious-feeling gray yarns out there that would not be SO expensive.


Well anyway I truly feel your frustration. I've been looking for a substitute yarn for a sweater in Everyday Crochet by Doris Chan. One website I found that seems to have some good choices is yarn.com. Their in-house brand is Valley yarn, and there looks like some that would be the same gauge as the Angel. I haven't actually tried any of their yarn yet myself but am thinking about it.


Good luck and let us know what you decide:hook


Eurolyons, I remember seeing your dressing gown but now I appreciate it even more. I never tried Microspun until a few weeks ago. I could not even get through a very small swatch with it. I can't imagine making a full length, plus train, garment. If Michelangelo had to work with Microspun I don't think we would have the Sistine Chapel!

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Hi, I love the book too, and plan to make the Plum Thunder Cami, but can't find the yarn and even if I did, I can't afford it. I think Caron's simply soft is a good substitute and found that the Plum Heather from Caron's simply soft heather yarn will do fine. I am using it for another pattern and love it. If you don't have a LYS and want more variety, I highly recommend using Joanne.com They have alot of the yarns out there with more colors available then the LYS and if you order 8 or more, you get a discount. It's not always the best deal but if you need a color not available at your LYS, it's a good alternative. Carey

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I guess it is easier to afford for something knitted since you would need less yarn; maybe it mostly gets used for hats or as an accent along with another yarn. Are the other patterns in the book made with similarly expensive yarns? I am just curious about that. I've been curious about the book in general since I read your post, so I looked around online for references to it. I noticed in the descriptions I found of the book it said the designs were inspired by the runway, and are high-fashion, use luxurious yarns...I guess that all equals highly expensive in this case! One site used the word upscale so I guess that is a clue. But I don't know, was the author (or publisher, or whoever makes these decisions) just trying to use the most expensive possible yarn? I mean, the cover sweater is gray, right? The Lorna's Laces yarns are hand-dyed, and just looking at the website, there are some gorgeous colors. But there must be tons of soft and luxurious-feeling gray yarns out there that would not be SO expensive.


Well anyway I truly feel your frustration. I've been looking for a substitute yarn for a sweater in Everyday Crochet by Doris Chan. One website I found that seems to have some good choices is yarn.com. Their in-house brand is Valley yarn, and there looks like some that would be the same gauge as the Angel. I haven't actually tried any of their yarn yet myself but am thinking about it.


Good luck and let us know what you decide:hook


Eurolyons, I remember seeing your dressing gown but now I appreciate it even more. I never tried Microspun until a few weeks ago. I could not even get through a very small swatch with it. I can't imagine making a full length, plus train, garment. If Michelangelo had to work with Microspun I don't think we would have the Sistine Chapel![/quote]


Yeah really! I want you to know also that I used one of Jimbo's hooks to make that dressing gown too. It's heavy, but it's a good heavy on a cold, cold day...my cat still thinks I made it for her though...it really does take a lot of patience to work with microspun...I love the feel and look of it, but man working with it is a 'nother deal...


If I ever make that dressing gown (or similar type of work) I'm gonna try regular sock yarn that's common over here...because I think it would be a little bit lighter. I've done a peasant sweater pattern in sock yarn and it turned out great (it was another knit convert to crochet...) It still would be a little pricey, but not as bad as $600.00 worth...

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