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What book is this?


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Does anyone recognise what book this is by the shawls and ponchos in it? She never lists the title of the books that she puts on Ebay but I'm one that likes to know that before I buy.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Out of curiosity, I looked at the auction and the amazon.com listing. Someone paid $25.37 PLUS $4.95 for shipping for a book that amazon.com sells for $10.17 (and possibly free shipping)! Ouch!!


Just reinforces that saying: "Let the buyer beware." I love eBay but you can pay too much for something that you want. (And I speak from personal experience - :oops:sigh)!

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Just wanted to let y'all know that I do business with that seller alot! She is wonderful about telling you the name of the book. In fact she is marked as my very favorite seller for crochet patterns! I have even emailed her and asked if a pattern book she has for auction is something I already have (since I collect them like crazy sometimes I'm not entirely sure what I have and what I don't) and she always knows what I have and don't have yet!

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