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Hooks for a Cure

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I just wanted to point everyone's attention to Jimbo's blog. He is making hooks for anyone who donates towards a cure for FRIEDREICH'S ATAXIA.


He has more info on his blog. Even if you can't donate, perhaps spread the word for Jim and lets see how much of a difference we can make as a group!


Hookers Unite! :lol

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  • 1 month later...

Thanks so much for the plug, Laughing. Because of YOU, i've sold and given away about 20 hooks for the cause.

Now i have another giveaway going. I'm giving a genuine Jimbo hook away in a contest on my blog to promote awareness of FA.

Come on over and enter everyone!


And thanks again!



oops i forgot.. the chophooks are still available too!

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What an incredibly kind thing you did, Melissa. Not just the donation, which is much needed for the research, but for entering a post in your blog!


There's a snowball effect with that kind of communication. You enter a post in your blog asking folks to visit the FA site, and asking others who blog to do the same... some of your blog readers enter a posts asking the same and very soon there's a HUGE number of folks becoming aware of this hideous affliction that does such devisatation to whole familys.


So you've started a blog snowball for a VERY good cause, and I'm guessing the ultimate result will be a big jump in research funding.


My heartfelt thanks to you, Melissa!



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I plan on making my donation Friday, once the paycheck clears the bank. (I wanted to earlier, but the holidays and a nasty cold took up the spare cashflow...) I think it's great that you're trying to spread the word about such a problem. I wish I had $20 to give to every research project that needs it... no one should have to suffer.

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  • 4 weeks later...



Though I don't completely understand how this works, (travelinghook) I think it is a wonderful thing that you did for Friedreich's Ataxia research. I didn't even know this topic was being discussed. I am struggling with this disease myself. I would love to have made square donations to this very cause as it affects me personally but as I said I had no idea it was going on. Is there another member here struggling with FA?


Happy crocheting, Angela :manyheart

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Ah gee Angela.. I didn't imagine we had a Ville member with FA! You are such a trooper to be here while fighting FA yet willing to help out with what you are fully aware is such a good cause.


Anglefire, who is pretty close to an angel here on earth, is donating her very considerable organizational skills and time to this cause (she is also running the other traveling hook, which is focused on cancer, with HUGE participation here). Just take a look at Angelfire's profile and see how this amazing person works!


The thread you're looking at here was started by another kind soul, Laughlovehook, and relates to "chophooks" (crochet hooks that i make from chopsticks) that i'm selling on my blog with all proceeds going to FA research.


There was another thread started with regard to a new traveling hook (Traveling Hook III. see http://travelinghook3.blogspot.com/ ) that's a different thing and is in the process of getting squared away here so we can post the "Ville to recruit help. The original Ville post has been removed temporarily because there are a few legal hoops yet to go through. Its being worked on, though and we're hoping to have it up and running soon. When it does I'm confident that lots of folks in this amazing Village will be involved. To that end, let me publicly thank Amy for her kindness, help and suggestions.


And its not just Angelfire and Lauglovinghook who are aware and supporting FA research, other Ville members are actively involved as well... maybe not directly here, but in their blogs... check


http://afswifescrochetcorner.blogspot.com/ and




And there are still others who are joining in this cause! The word is spreading and awareness is growing.


Its just amazing isn't it, how hooks and fiber are attracted to generous and giving hearts.


My very best to you Angela! We're all pulling for you!



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Hi Jimbo,


Thank you for responding :) ... Yes, I agree with you...it is amazing how generous and warm hearted people their are. I'd love to get involved in doing a charity that supports FA research - especially doing something I love -- crocheting!!. I had no idea that a crochet related charity was going on - but I'm sure glad I know now...what a blessing!


Thank you for your kind words of encouragement. I will get through this - one way or the other. Either while I am here on earth or when I get to heaven. I am so thankful for my extremely wonderful husband...he is my blessing from above..and my wonderful family and friends.



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  • 4 weeks later...

I just got my hook on Monday (2/25/08) And I love love love it! It works really well and Jimbo being the sweetest man alive even gave me a custom thumb rest (the rest on my other hooks is too high on the hook).


I just wanted to bump Megan's post and tell y'all the hook really works well, as well as being too dang cute :cheer


Check out Jimbo's site and donate if you can! Its a worthy cause and you can get a chop hook of your own (I'm NOT lending mine out, lol)



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Thanks for bumping this up, guys! I'll keep making chopstick hooks till the cows come home or we have a treatment or cure for FA. Since I don't have cows to come home, we better just go ahead and cure FA.


Bytheway, we're ever nearer the Traveling hook III, which will be similar to the current Traveling hook II but dedicated to the cure or treatment of FA (Friedreich's Ataxia)

If you have a blog, please consider copying the button "Axe Ataxia" from my blog. It contains a link to the FA website, so you'll be helping spread awareness of this hideous condition.

I'm told that a cure or treatment breakthrough could be as little as 5 years away. So there's hope for these kids where none really existed before.

Thanks for whatever you can do.


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