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It's Absolutely Inhumane!

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How can my LYS justify a HUGE sale on every yarn in stock the very first week I've committed to not buying yarn?!?! LOL I just received a post card from my LYS (admit it, you're on your LYS's mailing list, too!) informing me of their anniversary sale~~ May 2-7, the first week of the StashBusters challenge! :eek


They have the EXACT yarn I need to make a tank top and they're offering 20% off everything M-F of the sale, and then 40% off on Saturday!! It's just not fair! :( I can't buy the yarn I need when I can actually afford to go get it!


Hmmm....if yarnaholic goes and buys the yarn for me, and I don't pay her/get the yarn until June, have I messed up by StashBusters?? :devil

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Melissa, I just got the same card in the mail yesterday! And I won't even get to go down there at all! I leave next Thursday late afternoon for a Walk to Emmaus and won't get back until very late Sunday night. I'm going to miss the entire thing!!!!


Oh, well, since we're still saving for our upcoming trip to Disney, maybe that's not such a bad thing!

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Hey, c'mon. You know sales like that are a law of nature. They will always pop up when you're flat broke or have other reasons for staying away. LOL

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