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How to start small town charity?

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I just was thinking after seeing the burial gown thread about maybe starting a little thing here in town to donate comfort dolls to the hospital for parents who are sent home after an infant loss. Either from miscarriage or after birth. But I just don't know how to start something like that.


We live in a pretty small town, maybe 5,000 people if you count the Amish settlements on the outside of town. But I'm sure there are lots of women/families who lose a pregnancy or baby for any reason.


So how would one go about starting something like this?

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I've been mulling over this same issue. I was part of a bigger effort, but finally decided it wasn't for me. I want more personal interaction with both the crocheters, or knitters, and the receipients. So, as soon as I get over this cold, I'm going to talk to our pastor at church about it. Our town is even smaller. But we have a lot of people who might be interested. Could you go through a church? Some other things I've read about was contacting some clinic or agency or hospital, and seeing if they'd be interested in donations. And I thought we could also provide blankets and teddy bears to police cruisers. I did that in Colorado, and it was very much fun.

Please let me know if you guys have any other ideas, and how your efforts go. My biggest obstacle is shyness! Thanks.


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I would work through the local library. They usually allow posters or flyers.


One quick idea that may help you is to create a Yahoo group and ask that people join that. This way, you don't need to put your phone # out there in the public flyers and you can still get discussion going. You can limit the membership to your local town. For one group that I started, I asked people to identify the Timmies closest to their houses - or their favourite Timmies.


It is very easy to create a Yahoo group. They really walk you through it and most things can be changed when you find a better way to do things

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I would hang flyers up in churches, libraries, senior centers, senior living residence places, etc.


I think finding a hospital to donate to would be easy, it's getting the people to help, that's the hard part. Oh, how about hanging flyers up in the hospital too.

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You could ask your small town paper to run a little story about a group forming, that is what I did. Also flyers and churches, libraries and grocery stores work wonders. You can even as you library if there is a room you can use free of charge so your group has a place to meet!

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Please also consider donating to a local abuse shelter. The kids and moms who need to have a safe haven, may also need a doll for comfort. Good luck in your efforts to organize. You're doing a great thing! :clap

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