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Felted yarn bag


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I haven't posted on here in a really long time. Mainly because I took a bit of a break from crocheting and now I am back in full force. I decided to make this bag because I find myself walking around my shop holding a skein of yarn under my arm crocheting or knitting. The bag is a little expermental and I know I will make some changes when I make another one like the colors. :lol




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Very cool! I would totally make one. I have Restless Leg Syndrome(RLS) (I swear this is real) and at night when my legs are acting up I spend hours standing, stretching and walking around the house in the middle of the night. It's the perfect time to do some crocheting, but I could never sit to do anything. This would be perfect!!! On a side note, I started taking Requip for the RLS and it helps a lot, but some nights I still have break throughs.

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