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carpal tunnel release surgery???

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Has anyone here had this done, and if so, how long was it before you could crochet? (Notice I didn't ask about returning to work or anything serious, just my precious crocheting!!!!)


Just found out today that this is my best options for both hands.

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I have had both hands done, and it was the best thing I ever did. To tell you the truth, I don't remember how long I had to stop crocheting, it was in 1996. I had stopped crocheting anyway because it hurt so bad. I am thinking a good three to four weeks. Ask your Dr. However long you have to stop, it is so worth it in the long run. I look back and say to myself why did you wait so long to have it done? Best of luck. :hug

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A good friend of mine had it done ~ both wrists ~ she got one done at a time so was still able to function (maybe not crochet :no ) but hers healed well, so it is well worth doing. :manyheart

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I had my right wrist done some time ago. Because of the pain, I had stopped crocheting long before the surgery, and didn't think to try again for several years. I found the wooden hooks helped because they are lighter and warmer on the hands. The metal ones were bad on the base of my thumb. Three months after my carpel tunnel release I had to have a cyst removed from the tendon in my thumb, that hurt worse and longer than the release. At the same time, the doctor split the tendon so I wouldn't develop 'trigger finger', as he said that was the only other thing that could happen to my hand and he didn't want to have to operate on it again.

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Have had both wrists done as well as a thumb for DeQuervenes syndrome in which the thumb tendon is worked on - all 3 surgeries definately improved the quality of things for me - no pain, full mobility and able to crochet again!:) It was not long until I could crochet - and then I did it for small time periods and worked up again - ask the doc he'll tell you. You will do fine :manyheart

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I had my right hand done, probably in 1991 or 1992.


I was told to exercise my hand after the surgery. They had said something about getting a squishy ball. Instead I would crochet 30 or 40 stitches on a scarf once or twice a day.


At the time, the surgery worked great. Then in the mid 90s, I was taking sign language classes, and I realized that I couldnt make certain signs with my right hand (specifically the letter "W")


Now, of course, that could be because I have MS, but I think I noticed the problem had started before I started having funky MS symptoms. I had a few MS type symptoms for years, but didnt think much of them...and I didnt get diagnosed with the MS till this year. (I had mononucleosis in 96, and some doctors think that mono is one of the many triggers for MS. I think I noticed the problem with making certain signs with my hand started probably in 94 or 95.)


I still think that if I hadnt had the surgery that I wouldnt be able to use my hand at all now, so I wouldnt change a thing about it. About the only thing I cant do is make the letter "W" in sign, and maybe a couple of other words in sign, but it hasnt affected my ability to type or crochet or knit.

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I had my left hand done last June and it was wonderful! The tingling and pain is all gone so I'm happy! It was well over 6 weeks before I could crochet again but it was well worth it.


From what I have been told, surgeons will NOT do both hands at the same time so you'll have to have one hand done, wait to recouperate and then have the other one done. Seriously, after you have it, you are pretty much helpless. That hand can't pick anything up heavier than a dime, you can't grip anything, you can't clean up after yourself in the bathroom and other basic things so don't even try to get them both done at the same time! Anyway, yes it's hard not to crochet during that time but it's so worth it to wait! Good luck!

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My DH had both hands done at once about 8 years ago. It was a while before he was back to doing lots of fine dexterity stuff, but his life is much improved since.


Do whatever exercises the doc says and even if you can't crochet for a while, you'll be better off in the long run.


Good luck.



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