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Charity for Kittens - Crocheting Snuggles - 2 Done

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I don't have enough time in Crochetville to post on the Charity forum, but I did want to tell you guys what I'm doing.


I lost my precious Nibbles, a special-needs Maine Coon I'd adopted from a shelter about a year ago, in a freak accident involving a crepe myrtle tree.


So as catharsis/therapy, I'm crocheting cat toys & "snuggles" for shelter kitties to sleep on, inspired by the Snuggles Project. I delivered two snuggles to a local shelter this afternoon, and picked up volunteer applications for me and my husband.


Through a contact with the rescue group where I found Nibbles, I found another Maine Coon who is special needs, and I will get to meet him and hopefully bring him home tomorrow. Needless to say, he will have a crocheted "snuggle" of his own awaiting him here.


Crochet is great therapy. This year, it's gotten me through the terminal illness and death of one of my students, the death of another kitten, and the illness/death of my mother-in-law.


Something about the repetitive motion of the hands, that seems to calm the mind and soothe the spirit.


And in a situation where I feel so very completely out of control, it gives me a sense of control, order, and productivity.


That's me trying to share while in a very raw state. Hope it came out OK.



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aw... (((hugs))) as a fellow rescue group volunteer I thank you for adopting a rescue critter! I'm so sorry you lost your kitty, but I'm happy to see that you may be getting another! How nice of you to make the snugglies for shelter cats, I hope it comforts them and you!

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I just lost my sweet cat, George, two weeks ago, so I know what you're going through. (If you click on Desert Crocheter up above, you'll see his photo.) I have 2 other cats, one of whom is a Maine Coon (well, more likely a mix, but that's what they called her), and I had a diabetic cat for 7.5 years. Hugs to you for taking on the special needs cats, and for making the snuggles. :hug Loving these little critters really does make your heart grow in proportion. Patty

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My condolences on the loss of the fur balls (it takes a special person to love special needs Main Coons (grouches with paw problems need love too), I have one of my own) and humans. I know how rough some years can be. 4 of my 5 fur babies came from rescue. Snuggles are a great thing. I have been working on a few of my own. Only problem is someone (all of them) keep stealing them as I am working on them. Something about yarn, the best lap in the house and cats.

I had Jessica (my grouchy tabby) that had hyperthyroidism for 8 years with treatment, we lost her to old age and dementia at 16 years old. Lost her on Tuesday, Saturday Tabatha (special needs main coon) introduced her self to me at the rescue group I was volunteering at. 8 weeks old, fit in a checkbook box had a fused paw, runt of the litter yet oldest in the litter. The next Saturday after thinking about her all week she joined the family with a buddy she had made. My dad asked mom for the divorce 2 days latter. Made my mom the happiest ever. Partial declaw and 5 years latter she hisses at the wall if she's grouchy. Still one of the best things to ever happen to the family! Things happen in good time for a good reason!


Take care


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:catHis name is Target, and his face looks much like a mini-cougar, but no long fur like my other Maine Coon. But this little guy is HUGE! Right now, he is hiding among a pile of my daughter's stuffed animals - I guess he thinks if we mistake him for a stuffed animal, he will be safe.


I haven't quite finished his snuggle, but the foster family sent his cat-bed with him, so that buys me a little bit of time, and since I now know his name is Target, I have an idea that his snuggle will be round and bullseyed.


Thanks for the kind words and encouragement from all of you. My husband thinks that I'll be an old cat-lady after I retire. But since he's 11 years older than me, and statistically will pass on before me, I'll just use his life insurance and buy a place in the country with a huge house and a barn, where I can start a cat rescue of my own! When I told him this, he said I'd still be a cat lady, but with a non-profit tax status! :devil


Gotta love it.




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Awww, I hope you'll share pictures of Target! I have a MC mix, and she's very shy, but very sweet. It's so funny to see such a big cat, with that typical itty bitty MC chirp.


I also agree about the therapeutic benefits of crochet, it can be very meditative!

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I'm sorry about Nibbles, but I'm glad that you have Target now!


Although I'm more of a dog person, the animal shelters I volunteer at ask me to make snuggles for the kittens and cats all the time because they use the towels and old blankets mainly for the dogs. There are whole litters of tiny kittens that stay in crates with at the shelters and I've made little hammocks from snuggles and hung them from the top of the crates so that they can sleep in peace though sometimes they use them to play chase or something and will jump from one to another. It's so cute...

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ankey, how cute! i never thought about making a little hammock for them! i know cats love to be snug.


I guess I need to call my local shelter and see if they need/will take kitty/doggie blankets. Do some stash-busting and do a nice thing for the boo-boos.



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Sorry about your kitty. I know it can really hurt. Crocheting for shelter kitties is a great idea. I had not heard of Snuggles Project and will check it out.


I lost my senior kitty Pammie a few years ago and got a kitten right away. We wound up with three rescue kitties. Cats are such a joy to have around. I'm a real cat lady now with my little purring entourage bonking my knuckles :).

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