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extreme difficulty in picking a pattern

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Arg! I'm trying to find a really cute pattern to make a shrug or bolero for myself in just a few days so I can have something really cute to wear. I'm defiantly not at a lose for patterns! I have about 8 of them up for me to decide between. However, I've found that if I'm going to be crocheting for myself, I simply can not pick anything "right" enough. For others, BAM! there's the perfect pattern. But for me, I can go through literally a hundred patterns and turn my nose up at every one of them, even if they are really awesome.


Does anyone else have such an incredibly hard time picking patterns for themselves?!

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Once in a while I will have a problem trying to find a pattern that is in my head that's already "out there..." When that happens it's either because I don't really have a clear idea of what I want and nothing out there is inspiring or I do know exactly what I want and it just doesn't exist...when that happens,that's when I'm apt to just design it myself...


I feel like I'm going through a bit of a dry spell with the patterns that are out right now...bits and pieces are good,but a full on sweater pattern or whatever isn't doing it for me...and in my case it might just be that I'm not suppose to make anything for me right now...because Lord knows I have enough on my plate at the moment...


If I'm turning up my nose at several patterns, that's a sign to either design something on my own or put the idea aside for a while...

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That must be what it is! Nothing is every EXACTLY what I want. Thank goodness I know enough to take bits and pieces and make the perfect thing. Now, just to get past the slight nervousness of making something sheerly from my own mind. At least with a pattern I'll have a hard copy of it and KNOW what I'm going to be getting and not just some picture in my head. See! Some designer out there just needs to have a tingly sense of "oh my! I need to make a shrug in EXACTLY this pattern so she won't have to make it up as she goes!" I would love that spider sense.... or should I say yarn sense.

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That's part of the fun, but yeah, it can be daunting...perfectionists (or even semi perfectionists) don't like to fail. Even the best and more financially successful designers out there fail in their designing sometimes...but then they learn from that and continue on. For me, as I'm making something, either in sewing or crocheting (or even knitting) I've experienced what I've called the "happy mistake..." For example...several years ago I took a knitting pattern stitch from my stitchery enclycopedia (cat's paw) and decided I was going to knit a twin set...well...hmmmm...when all was said and done, the halter part of the twin set, although pretty, was just a tad too revealing and I didn't like one part of it and really couldn't figure out how to make it better...so it eventually got frogged...and the cardigan of the twin set...the sleeves were not wide enough (I have batman arms)...I didn't touch the project for 4 years...but...eventually I decided against the twin set, took the body pieces of the cardigan, disgarded the sleeves altogether, and made the rest into a sweater vest that is one of my favorites to wear over dresses and blouses...a happy mistake.


For wearables for me especially, I always have to make sizing adjustments so that whatever I made fits me to a tee (especially anything with sleeves...) It's always been that way, so I'm not afraid to jump into the design pool and see what I can come up with.


Currently I'm working on an a sewing project for an Italian Chemise (which is a long nightgown type gown) and as per usual I'm straying from the pattern to add a butterfly yoke done in filet crochet to the neckline and will be adding crocheted edging to the hems of the sleeves and hemline...it's actually almost done, but...I've done something wrong with the armholes and because of my arms, inspite of careful measuring, it doesn't fit right and I might have to make a major design change so that not only will it fit right, but not look like a fushia choir robe...


But I like the challenge...


Woody Allen once said, "If you always hit a bullseye, you're standing too close to the target."


Good luck, you'll find something or you'll design something...feal the fear and do it anyway.

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Yup. Me, too. And for me, gifts are easy to give because they aren't size specific, but things I want to make for me are, so it takes me a while to find something I would want to do.

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YES, YES, YES! It is even harder to find the time to make something for myself. I am a slow crocheter. Whenever I think about making something for myself, there is a birthday or request to make something for someone else. Right now I am making my traditional slippers for Christmas presents. Everyone seems to like them. The slippers are a comfort thing like chocolate! I found a cute sweater pattern I'd like to make for myself but now a friend of mine has requested a sweater for her dog. Probably when I find the time to make the sweater for myself I won't like the pattern I found anymore. Such is the life of a crocheter! Ha ha You are NOT alone!

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I'm extremely picky when it comes to patterns. I hit all four POD's every day and usually don't like any of them. I don't think it's unreasonable, though. If you're going to devote hours to a project, it should be something you really like.


I just finished a tank I designed myself and I hate it :P.

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