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CAL forum is overwhelming, don't you think?

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This is meant more for the new folks like myself... I go to the CAL forum and try to read some threads and I'd like to see pics, but I just can't bring myself to sift through literally hundreds of pages and so I just give up. :(

I wish there was a gallery here, wouldn't that be great? Half the blogs offered through this site I can't view yet either, so then that bums me out too! It sucks being new, well, a little anyways... I still love this forum tho! :cheer

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I know what you mean.. sometimes I am like no energy to search must try again later... (in a raspy and tired voice...) but this is an awesome forum..:D

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The show-and-tell folders make it a bit easier to see what folks have made, and they are divided by categories so you can focus on what interests you most. The purpose of CAL's is a little different, I think. Those folders are for fellowship, encouragement, tips, and finally, showing off projects when everyone is more or less doing the same thing. All that fellowship does make the threads longer--impossibly long sometimes--but sometimes the same items will be shown in the show-and-tell folders, for everyone to see.


The show-and-tell folders get a lot of use--people are showing new things every day--so for looking at finished objects, I'd stick to those forums, unless you are interested in making the CAL item. Then if might be worth sifting through the comments for tips and looking at others' work for inspiration.

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I have been involved in a few of the CAL's and it is great fun to talk to the ladies and have help or advise when needed. My work takes me away from this site for weeks or months in May/June, then it takes me days to find out what happened in the CAL. If I have completed the CAL, then I don't even try. I just move on to a new one.

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I agree also. I think it would be nice that in the CAL thread there was just a place for your fo picture (or WIP) and another for all the comments. Sometimes I just want to look at all the pictures....not scan thru 100's of pages and read all the comments. Then there are times that I need to read all the comments to find answers to questions I might have. I think that a lot of people that are in a CAL don't always post in the show 'n tell area. If each CAL had it's own thread for pictures only...it would be great!

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I would love a separate section of just pictures, kind of like a slide show. The items people can make are just wonderful and sometimes I just like to look at them for inspiration.

Usually I just go to the first post and look at it when I am in that mood.....

But I know now that if anyone makes one similar, they use the same thread to post it and it is several replies down from the original. I miss all of those.....

Thanks, Debbie


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