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Cluless sent SOS! Still in Camp! What to do?

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I just saw where Cluless has sent out an SOS:eek she's still at camp and it sounds like provisions are running low!


What do we do?


Send out a search party? What supplies would they need to bring along other than food and water? If they take hooks and yarn they might also get stranded in camp, and then what! Rescuers for the rescuers?


Does anyone have any suggestions for safely getting Cluless out of camp? Will she even go voluntarily? I shutter to think what a deranged hooker could do to evade capture rescue. Does anyone have experience using tranquilizer guns?


All suggestions will be seriously considered. Any brave souls out there?

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Don't worry Cluless, we're coming for you! Right now there's a little snag over liability insurance. The insurance people say the rescuers will have to sign waivers and get tetanus shots before going in.


By the way, does anyone know any retired special forces personnel who have the training for this kind of mission? :think

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TRANK GUNS?:eek Who are you gonna zap with one of those things? It BETTER NOT be me or the animals. We aren't in the least bit sleepy, so none of that ZAPPY ZAPPY NAPPY NAPPY stuff for us. Are you fiend or foe anyhow? This all sounds very ominous. We're heading for deep cover. Hmm, maybe we can eat tree bark and berries. ... :cat :cat are tail wagging a big NO to that. Fish, :goldfish, that's the ticket :idea . I think there's a creek here somewhere, cats :cat :cat are wagging YES. I think we can make it.

Now I just need a disguise.....

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I have been hiding in a little cave I made under the canoes I have hadmy ant army borrowing food and supplies from the boys camp you can come stay with me they will never find us and then we wont have to leave...the ants can't fish afraid of the water ..so the cats can hunt and if anyone spots us we will tie them up in the outhouses:devil

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Don't worry Clueless!!! The Texas National Guard is heading your way!!! :plane

Now that our flooding is overwith, we have time on our hands. :knit :knit We will crochet a rope bridge to get to the camp. Send the ants out, they will find sugar!!!

:yayYou can use your survival skills!!!


We are on our way!!!!! :jumpyay :jumpyay

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PLEASE let me there are only 2 of you left at camp!


You know, provisions are running low and I'm not sure that we can get authorization for the National Guard to airlift food AND yarn for you guys. You've got to come out sometime! Yarn, you'd come out for yarn, wouldn't you? :hook

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Hey don't forget I'm still here. I said I was dragging my feet getting back to Ohio and had gotten as far as behind the craft cabin. Well, I am still there. Seems my shoe lace came untied and got stuck around a tree root. I started to untangle it and ended up playing cat's cradle with the shoe lace. After that, I said who cares just going to sit here until someone shows up. I have plenty of food and yarn in my backpack.

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Well, to be honest...there are a few of us. We may run low on food, but I've found a whole flock of angora rabbits more than willing to share their wool, then there is my possum family, the bamboo field, and um (pssst, did they know we kept an alpaca...or two?)

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I'm positive I am totally missing something on this thread...but I figured I would tell you all...I LOVE camping! I'm going in a couple of weeks and intend to bring my scrapghan WIP with me...unless I finish it before I go!:lol

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The Park Range called me back tonight. He said that there's a flock of wild chickens that hang out around the mess tent. chicken.gif


You should be able to collect their eggs. But losingmymind2, don't send the possums to do the egg collecting!:eek

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Just in time. Kathy you are the best! I guess Mrs Possums pouch wasn't big enough so she had to resort to saddle bags. Alpie and I are very thankful for the wheat, the peaches made him hyper and how in the world to you hide a hyper alpaca?


I'm good to go for a while now :yay

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