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Identifying Crochet Slang for the less savvy

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A lot of crochet jargon is being used on this forum. Some of it I understand or I can find defined on other websites. Some of it, however, still is being my comprehension. Maybe some of those hip on crochet slang can compile a bit of a glossary for us that aren't aware of the terminology.


For example: some people have mentioned "frogging" a project. I can't find a crochet website that defines this term.

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Frogging is slang for ripping it out. It comes from frogs saying, "rippit".

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Frogging is when you rip out the work you've done on a project... either to a part that you made a mistake on, or just ripped out the whole thing to start over. I didn't know that term when I first joined up here, but I figured it out pretty quick. Most of it will come to you as you read the posts, but if you or anyone else has questions about what something means, either post like this thread or just PM the person who used the term and ask for clarification. Everybody I've interacted with here is incredibly nice and very helpful.


:welcome to the 'ville!

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rr= round ripple afghan

mam= mile a minute afgan

SnB HH= Stitch and Bitch Happy Hooker book

iso=in search of

fo= finished object

wip= work in progress

wim= work in mind

ufo= unfinished object


hmm I am sure i will think of more

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