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Patons book 1257

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This isn't a question so much as an expression of frustration. I decided to use the internet to try to teach myself a few things and came across this book on the Patons site...



It looks really interesting, several of the patterns look great and I want it!! Actually to be honest what was running through my mind was *I want it NOW!!*

So being the sensible girl I am I instantly picked up the phone and called Spotlight to ask them about it. Murphy's law sadly is in effect and they don't have it :( Biggest craft store in town/the state/the country usually and they don't have this book!

So tomorrow I shall sit here with the phone and ring all the places on the website list and see if I can find someone (anyone) in town who has this book for sale... wish me luck!

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Before you buy the book, check some of the free pattern sites. For example, Coats and Clark, Lion Brand Yarn, and Patons. There are many others.


You need to register to get access to the patterns, but if you're OK with giving them your name (I say this because some people might not be) it's a fair exchange. And these are very reputable companies that value their good name (:yes).


PS: Use your money to buy Doris Chan's great books or one of the others with more advanced projects when you're ready (:yes)

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Shani you might try calling these people then, they have it in stock :)

http://www.knitting.com.au/show_item.php?item=3480&PHPSESSID=57fff56bb7b1a79e43d91fcbf2ca75d7 for $11.80


I just went to google.com wrote "patons learn to crochet 1257" and click aus results and voila! Good luck :) those search results also showed a corrections page for this book http://www.patons.biz/knitting_info/pattern_correction.htm


good luck!

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Thanks for the help everyone, I have tried the websites but they seem to use some sort of code I don't understand yet (be beginner I really mean beginner lol). I was hoping a beginners book might explain things a bit clearer.

The patons site is where I found the book in the first place, they have a list of people in Launceston who stock their products so am going to try those tomorrow.

If I can't find the book local I'll try that company in Melbourne and see if they'll let me post them a money order and get it sent over. Obviously you are more of a dab hand at Google than I am Shell! :)

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I have been told in the past I am pretty good with Google :) it works in well with my wanting to help so it's all good!

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Spotlight are just up the road from me but they don't have it (go figure). Haven't tried Lincraft though! :D

It's good then Sail? Fantastic! Always great to hear a positive report considering I'm all determined to get a book I've not seen yet lol

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:yay:cheer I got it I got it!! :cheer:yay


Made half a dozen phone calls this morning and finally found it in Devonport (an hour or so away) so I tossed the kids in the car and went for a drive.....

obsessive much? :blush

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oh yes it's definately worth it. It starts with the absolute basics and gives you a pattern to make so you can try them out on something real. Then goes to a new stitch and adds a different pattern. I assume they gradually get harder as the book goes along!


Ahh Bliss!!

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