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63 Squares Crochet Along


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Thanks gram for your response. I understand the colours line up on the diagonal. What I cant figure is if the textures/patterns on the blocks are placed in a particular way seeing as they are all different.


Cupcake, I think you can arrange them however you want. That's what I did when I made this one. I'm also "working" (as in, I'm really, really thinking about working) on the 2nd 63 square book. That shows as all 1 color, but I'm doing it in 3 different colors (I'm using SS Brites Blue Mint, Papaya, and Grape, edging in black), so I'm doing 21 squares of each. I decided to make numbered pieces of paper 1-63, and I randomly draw them out of a baggie when I finish a square. I did all 21 in blue mint already, and am working on the grape. Then I'll just randomly pick squares to make them in the nice diagonal pattern when I eventually assemble them.

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Is being made. I have the first 6 rows completed, and expect to complete and attach row 7 tonight. I am really excited with how this is turning out.


WTG!!! Having only 5 squares done, where you are at seems like a long way away.:cheer:yay

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woops I think I messed up on my threads...


I have now done 54 and am on the final countdown with the last nine.




My colours are a bit over the place cos I changed the plan so my ordering will be a bit different.


I am now at the lay it all over the floor and drive the boys nutty stage!


Re the crossed puff I am absolutely positive I did this one but am blowed if I can find it. I am thinking I may have lost it on the train so I have to now do another one. What a dope!


Is there a second 63 square book out there??

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yes there is another book, there is even another CAL. and about being positive you have already done a square, I did that about 5 times. A couple because I would start them and get frustrated and move on to another square , but a few because the patterns are very very similar on some of the squares,


woops I think I messed up on my threads...


I have now done 54 and am on the final countdown with the last nine.




My colours are a bit over the place cos I changed the plan so my ordering will be a bit different.


I am now at the lay it all over the floor and drive the boys nutty stage!


Re the crossed puff I am absolutely positive I did this one but am blowed if I can find it. I am thinking I may have lost it on the train so I have to now do another one. What a dope!


Is there a second 63 square book out there??

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I only realised last night there was another cal and another book! I have been accidently posting on that thread as well as this one. I now understand why my posts were disappearing (lol)


Oh well, I have now done 56 squares..... 7 to go and then join the little suckers together!

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Hi girls!


I just started this afghan and unfortunately only have the first 2 done! UGH! A friend who belongs here and finished one, told me about this thread!


I'm from AZ and just joined on here. I have a 21 yr old currently serving in IRAQ, I'm going nuts with staying focused so this crocheting has given me some comfort to keep my mind off things!


Happy crocheting!

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wohoo I have done 62.


The last one will drive me nuts as I have had a go at it before and couldnt work it out.


Also joined up 2 1/2 rows. I can see an end in sight..

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It was 37 and I have just finished it tonight. The popcorns were on the opposite side to the fpdc. The pattern didnt say to push the popcorns through, but that is what I ended up doing. Drove me quite nutty really. the number of times I started on that one , pulled it out and moved to another..

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Hi all! I am so excited to find Crochetville, and this thread in particular! I have been crocheting the 63 squares afghan, on and off, for over 2 years now, and I lost momentum somewhere along the way. I have 26 completed squares sitting in a box, waiting for the other 37 to join them!


I'm so pleased to know I'm not the only one working on this project... I feel inspired to make my 27th square tonight :)

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Your work is no nice a neat. My knitting and crocheting seems to be not as neat as yours. Nice job.


that's a nice blog or web site. Does everyone or anyone has a web site like this to show your creative work, chat, etc? I have been looking for one that is easy to set up.




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Well, I should have it finished tonight. It is completely assembled, the first round of edging is done and one side of the second round is complete. I did change the second round though, I did one side of the afghan in the pattern stitch and hated it so I frogged it and just did a double ch skip 1 stitch. Pics as soon as the edge is done and the ends are woven.

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Quick question - should I post pictures of my finished squares here, or just wait until I'm all done with the afghan (If I ever live that long....sigh)?

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Hi Tiga, you can do it however you like, and if you are having trouble with a square posting a pic may be a good idea. I waited to post pics until I started to assemble the rows, but it really is however you decide to do it.


And hang in there it took me literally all summer, but I will finish the edging on mine tonight.


Quick question - should I post pictures of my finished squares here, or just wait until I'm all done with the afghan (If I ever live that long....sigh)?
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OMG! I finished!! I can't believe it!!! I have some pictures taken, and hope to get them up this weekend.


Woo! :woo Woo! :woo I'm just so excited.


It was double tough to finish, since I had a deadline (fair entry, long story and not really my choice) and a crocheting restriction (only in the narrow window of my daughter sleeping and my husband working).


Just had to share with people who realize what a feeling of accomlishment this brings!

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gggrr just need to vent. I am up to joining the last row and feeling mighty proud so I laid the rug on the floor. Realised I had mixed up the sqaures in row 5 so have had to pull that section out. Somehow managed to join it in upside down while watching TV. Of course hub cant notice it, but I can. Gosh I am annoyed at myself right now. I so hate joining those rotten little suckers together, let alone pull out a section and re do it.


oh well tomorrow is another day.

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Aaargh I need to vent here too... :angry


I crocheted my 27th square (and half the 28th) after a long break from crocheting this afghan, and I think something in my crocheting style has changed during that time. I must crochet a lot more loosely now, because the new squares are MUCH larger than the old ones!


Not quite sure what I should do now - I'm going to try a swatch with a smaller hook and see if I can match the old size, but if that doesn't work, I don't know what else to try :think

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