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63 Squares Crochet Along


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Hey all, I joined this CAL last summer...and guess who has done like 1 square, heehe, anyway, I'd like to jump ack on the wagon if you'll have me back, me and my slacker self....I'm using up all my extra yarn for this one, so it should be interesting.... any who i'm back in....but i can't get the button to show up in my siggy,....ne one know why?

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Hi grankids. :hi Yup this is an on-going CAL. We pick up members from time to time and check up/report in/ask & receive help every so often. Welcome!


Hi jadyn05. :) Welcome back. I'm not sure why the button won't show up... Actually I didn't even know there was a button. :laughroll

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I made this pattern several years ago in a variety of colors, entered it in our local Fair, but didn't win anything.


I just started making it again this weekend, for my niece's wedding present. I am using Caron Soft Dark country Blue, Dark Sage and Autumn Red.


I'm hoping to finish it by mid September and enter this one in the fair, too.


So far I have 6 squares done, but am having to cope with some bad pain in my hand and thumb that the crocheting has aggravated.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I'm back....LOL Actually I never did quit working on this one, just wasn't doing a square or more a day. However i do have 34 squares done, (I did 4 over the weekend) and since I am going camping twice this month, I will probably get a lot more done. I would really like to have the squares finished by the end of September since I have to have it put together and ready to give as a gift be December 17.

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heheh, I have now done 17 and they are looking good. All different sizes, but the collours look good. :D

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Some of mine are really ridiculously different sizes, too! I have never had to deal with blocking before, but I am hoping I can even them all up.


I really don't think I am crocheting with different gauges, I just think the patterns work up different sizes.

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Some of the squares do work up slightly different in size; in fact the pattern book mentions that. So far, most of mine come within 1 inch of each other.

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Wohoo! :woo I have officially finished all 63 squares. Now all that needs doing is blocking & joining! That's the part that I procrastinate the most on, though, so I have to really kick my own butt on this to get it done for the fair (it doesn't have to be, and I don't really think it will win, but I am very proud of how it looks and I love the way my joining method looks (I'm most assuradly not slip stitching BLO. I think I'm allergic to needles. :U), so why not?).



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wtg kate on finishing them all... here is my take on this cal... i'm eventually going to make all 63 squares in this one, and the 63 more one, and make it into 1 huge blanket...


now, what i've actually done so far, is take about 10 of these patterns, and use them for making dishcloths of various people.. i really like the patterns in the book, so technically i've worked a total of 16 of the patterns, but only 6 have been done making squares for the purpose of the blanket.

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Well done! How will you join them cos I am not keen on the stitch method eithor.



I have now done 21 of the green squares. I am feeling pretty pleased with myself.:D



Wohoo! :woo I have officially finished all 63 squares. Now all that needs doing is blocking & joining! That's the part that I procrastinate the most on, though, so I have to really kick my own butt on this to get it done for the fair (it doesn't have to be, and I don't really think it will win, but I am very proud of how it looks and I love the way my joining method looks (I'm most assuradly not slip stitching BLO. I think I'm allergic to needles. :U), so why not?).



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I juts layed them out and took a picture. These are the green ones altho they are variegated. I am going to do the ecru in the bluey grey of the ball that is in the photo. Still thinking about what to do the rose in. Maybe more variegated. I did this because I have a lot of different variegations and thought this a good way to show them off. They are all with a bluey, purpley pinky tinge in them. Originally was going to use a plain rose for the rose square but cant find the right shade. What do you think?



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Well done! How will you join them cos I am not keen on the stitch method eithor.


I slip stitch in alternate pieces with chains between.


I hold the two pieces back to back. Starting with the corner stitch, I slip stitch in the front piece, ch 1, slip stitch in back piece, ch 1, slip stitch first piece (2nd sc).


I've done sc in each (with and without chains), hdc or dc in each (without chains, generally), but since these have built in borders already the slip stitch looked best for this afghan to me :U


Trust me, if I had to sew these together I would never ever finish!!! :lol

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Got two squares done!!!!:cheer:clap:yay


Only 61 more to go. :eek


And have I mentioned this is my 3rd time starting this blanket!!! :blush

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:lol Congrats on finishing 2 of the 63, Crystal!


3rd time starting, eh? It's all good. :D As long as the hook is moving, right? :hook


LOL Yup! Got the 3rd square done!!! It's getting there!

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It all started Friday at lunch when I decided to work on my squares at the office during lunch. I pulled out the square I was working on and finished it and was going to start another one and no pattern book. I looked in my car and at my desk and then decided I had left it at home. No big deal i thought, I will just wait till this evening. WRONG!!!! That book has totally diasppeared. I mean vanished off the face of the planet GONE.:eek


Now by Sunday afternoon I am in a panic, the afghan is for my MIL, I have 42 squares done and no pattern!!! So I run by Walmart thinking they won't have it and wonder of wonders the DO!:cheer


So I quickly buy a new copy of the pattern and then i realize that not only did I lose the pattern, but i lost the list of which ones I had completed and what was left to do. Now I get to lay the squares all out (some labeled and some not) figure out exactly what is left to do and get busy.


Hey I only lost 4 days of hook time on this. forget that it needs to be done by the end of September, forget that I have about 2 dozen other projects waiting for me, forget that my husband who doesn't have a clue keeps sayin I'll never finish this or the rest of the Christmas and baby projects.......:angry


OK back to it now, maybe I'll do the white border around every square while I am sorting them out?

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I am goinf to buy this book from leisure arts today. Can someone tell me the exact yarn I need to do this project? I love the way it looks on the cover, and would like to use an exact match. of the yarn. I also wonder, do you think doing a project like this will help me learn stitching? Like I would become more adept at other patterns? Thank you or your help in advance.



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I am goign to buy tis book rom leisure arts today. Can someone tell me the exact yarn I neeed to do this project? I a I love the way it looks on the cover, and would like to use an exact match. I also wonder, do you think doing a project like this will help me learn stitching? Like I would become more adept at other patterns? Thank you or your help in advance.



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Wow. Crochet_Gram, that sounds traumatic! Yeah I'd totally work on the edgings as I was laying the squares out, if I were you. Otherwise it'd feel kinda frustrating. At least doing the edging I'd feel like I was making some progress. :hook

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