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63 Squares Crochet Along


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I will be thinking of all of you in the panhandle area. I know that you are coming into tornado season. My brother lost a house a number of years ago about this time of year. He lives in Wichita Falls. The only thing standing was a closet. He married a girl from Lampasas when he was in the Army and is a Texan all the way, except in football. He roots for the Patriots. Your in my thoughts.

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I'm working on the arch square at the moment. I really liked the front-back-hdc square! So cool!


And I've decided to change out one of my colors... That shade of yellow just isn't doing it for me anymore. So now I'm working with a dark green, and a warm red. Perhaps a cream, for the 3rd color...?

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Hi all, I'm back - please forgive the cavernous silence for the last two weeks - I have been organizing (read: actually figuring out what I have, and returning the excess) my stash, not to mention trying to find inventive ways to hide its size.


I'm working on square 4, the treble crochet, after making and frogging squares 1 through 3 waaaay too many times. Gauge and I *do not* get along. :rofl


But... (dramatic pause and drum roll, please) I have a Finished Object to report! I committed to a doll afghan for my niece's birthday, so I did some crocheting along with the stash frenzy. :hyper I like how it turned out, but can't find my camera.:irk I am supposed to give it to her this Sunday, so I'd better find it or borrow one before then! :lol (I'll update with a pic when I do) I used stitch #75 from the 101 stitches for afghans book (http://www.anniesattic.com/crochet/detail.html?prod_id=10212), plus made a frilled border using part of the instructions for the potato chip scarf http://cache.lionbrand.com/patterns/50370.html?noImages= (free pattern). I used 2 colors of Caron simply soft; pink and orchid. It measures about 18" x 20" plus a 1" border all around. This is my first object larger than a square in caron ss, and I was a little surprised to find out how heavy and warm it turned out to be.


I'm planning on making a blanket for a little girl born this month, and wondering whether I need to choose a lacier pattern to keep it from being too warm.... but not too lacy, or baby fingers and toes snag...


Oh, yeah - I'm supposed to be working on my taxes this week, so I'll *need* the stress relief of working these squares! (and guess what gauge I'll end up with? who knows? :hook maybe I'll have to make a separate afghan for each of the *three* (!) different sizes of squares I'm getting....)

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Hi Clocke, let us know what 3rd color you choose !


Patricia , Yep, it's been a busy time for lots of people lately. Glad to have you back though ! We'd love to see photos of your finished items when you get a camera .

The gauge is definitely a challenge with this one, isn't it ?

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I haven't crocheted much lately - - bought a new Cockatiel (bird) and busy with him. Also allergies :sneeze keeping me down (but not out). Be back soon as I feel better :yuck


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Hi all, I'm back - please forgive the cavernous silence for the last two weeks - I have been organizing (read: actually figuring out what I have, and returning the excess) my stash, not to mention trying to find inventive ways to hide its size.


I have the most frightening amount of stash. I was rummaging through it last night, looking for a certain skein, and was shocked at how much I have now...


Well, I'm slogging along with the squares. I have 30 done now, so I'm almost halfway through! I had trouble with the alternate spike square, as I just couldn't get it to be the right gauge, no matter what hook I used...it kept being way too big. I ended up using an H and just edging it once, rather than twice.

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Hi Pam

Frightening is good word for it . I keep buying more yarn . It is now stashed in bags EVERYWHERE . When in the heck I'll get time to use it all is beyond me. I'd better be one of them people in the news that reaches age 100, that's all I can say ( or hope someone in my family will use it if I leave it to them in my WILL )


Keep up the good work, halfway there -- you're doing great !

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Woohoo! Another square done! :woo I had some extra time yesterday and spent it crochet-ing in dappled sunlight, under a tree. It was lovely. :c9

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working square 5 (half double crochet, worked alternately in back, then front loops), I frogged that thing 3 times. Each time, it was too small, at just under 7" (this is a problem; all my other squares are turning out at 8" before edging and I am *not* going to redo all my other squares smaller!)


and you know the really weird thing? I went from H to I, then J, then K, and it STAYED THE SAME SIZE. Very spooky. And each time I made sure to use a bigger hook for the foundation chain. I was pleased that the first few rows were nice and squared off, not bowed from a short foundation chain. I was not pleased that I couldn't seem to make the dratted thing wider.


At K, I was not about to try an L hook; that's a, what, 3mm jump in size? On caron simply soft? I don't think so, [she said]. so I kept crocheting, figuring I'd make it long enough and then make the edging wider or something to get the square's width to match the others.


Then, I saw a nice, neat little row of loops making a line. This would be cool in any other stitch, but this is back loop, front loop, back loop....etc. So you can't have a nice neat little row of loops anywhere. Unless, of course, you're in frogging territory. yep, I was way out in the middle of that pond lounging on a lily pad. Looks like about a bunch of rows back I must have rotated the work slightly and been working in the front loop, a side loop, front loop, etc, leaving the back loop in pristine isolation.


so, I have to frog the thing anyway. at least the pattern is forming nicely, the alternating loop work creating nice columns, one standing out, one sunken in. :hook


I have two ideas about the width problem: 1. what about using half double crochet for the edging stitch instead of single crochet? Does anybody think that would solve the problem? or 2. perhaps I could make the work 28 stitches wide and decrease down to the necessary 25 stitches while working the edging? what do y'all think? any other way to solve this? any advice would be appreciated. I think I'll leave this one alone and work the next one for now:( .

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just posted about my fifth square, sorry to be so wordy, but thought maybe others might have gone through something similar?


Patricia , Yep, it's been a busy time for lots of people lately. Glad to have you back though ! Julie, you're a major reason I'm back - how could I not keep on keeping on, when YOU are so faithful? and i betcha others feel the same....

...We'd love to see photos of your finished items when you get a camera .still looking for a camera.... Megan didn't get her dolly's afghan today, I forgot to bring it to church!

The gauge is definitely a challenge with this one, isn't it ? a challenge I might be able to handle; on square five, gauge seems more like working a jigsaw puzzle without the box lid picture!

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Hi Patricia

Well, you could actually do either one . It won't matter that much in the end once you put all the squares together .

You can either start with a longer starting chain if it's one of the squares that gives you the multiple of 3, plus 2 ... or whatever .. You know some of the squares will give you the equation for making the square larger ?

-- others just give you a starting chain .

You could also do a row of hdc for part of your edging to make it bigger, or make an exra row of sc if you have to .

There's plenty of ways to make them suckers fit, you just have to experiment a little .

You'll get it, I know you will . :)

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Thanks Julie! I knew I could count on you to help! I'll keep going on it tonight (my usual crochet-a-square time), and hopefully post victory in the morning!

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Hi Patricia ,

Well, good luck and I hope to hear some good news by morning !


Sure, Lea-- this is kinda like a neverending crochetalong -- we have new people dropping in ever so often and even old ones that signed up long ago are coming back, so jump on in . Did you have any of the squares started yet ? What colors are you using ?

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I know, for me, I've had to alternate between G, H, I, and J hooks with these squares, depending on the stitch. I'm working on the V-stitch square now, which is sort of a snooze, compared to the other squares <g>. I'm having so much fun with these squares that I'm tempted to turn around, after the first one is done, and do another one to give someone for Christmas...

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Pam, if you're having this much fun, then I just have to keep going until I get my second wind. Or find my first one. Or something. :think:lol


I know, for me, I've had to alternate between G, H, I, and J hooks with these squares, depending on the stitch. I'm working on the V-stitch square now, which is sort of a snooze, compared to the other squares <g>. I'm having so much fun with these squares that I'm tempted to turn around, after the first one is done, and do another one to give someone for Christmas...


Julie - thanks so much for the moral support - I did get square 5 done last night. :cheer I did use the hdc border as you suggested to try to make it larger (vs the sc called for), and the completed square is about 3/4 inch smaller than all my other squares. With the K hook, mind you. It was kind of loose, so I'm very reluctant to use a hook any larger. I'll worry about the size differential..... later. I hope your day has improved? I've managed to spend mine avoiding doing my taxes, which was supposed to be my prime task today. I have to do them at the keyboard, and of course, I'd much rather visit the 'Ville! A box of yarn I bought on eBay arrived today, and naturally, I did spend time opening it and drooling over the yummy yarns. I had purchased a bunch of 100% cotton chenille on cones (ranging from 750 yards per pound down to 2000ypp), in such pretty colors.

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Sure, Lea-- this is kinda like a neverending crochetalong -- we have new people dropping in ever so often and even old ones that signed up long ago are coming back, so jump on in . Did you have any of the squares started yet ? What colors are you using ?


I ahve about 6 squares that I had done before.... but I am out of my neutral phase and more into vibrants... I think I'll go shopping for some bright purples, whites....maybe some violets...pinks.... something with POP!

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JulieKay, you got snow recently?? Wow. Yeah, South Carolina (where I'm at) hasn't seen snow in a good long minute. I grew up north of the Mason-Dixon though, so I miss the snow from time to time.


...The seed stitch is pretty interesting. I think I'll use it in other projects as well.

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Hi Clocke -

Yea, our Ohio weather in April is pretty unpredictable. Sometimes we get snow, other days we have like yesterday - sunny and 70 . It is a Sinus headache person's worst nightmare-- bad time of the year for headaches.

I think we MAY be coming out of winter now though . :)


You are lucky you live in such a beautiful state !

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Y'all, I think I've given up on the whole gauge issue. :lol For the time being, I'm using a g-hook for everything, on the thought that it will all turn out in the wash. As long as the squares are vaguely the same size, it's all good, right?? :think:eek


I hope spring comes to Ohio soon, JulieKay. I do remember (not fondly) how winter could drag on. In fact, I clearly recall digging my car out of snow & ice one spring break. Talk about frustration!! :thair

& Thanks, South Carolina does have a wealth of natural beauty. :D

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If you all miss snow, you can come up to CT <g>. Thankfully, we seem to finally be past winter. It's a beautiful day out...went walking on my lunch hour.


Am at the popcorn/braid square, which is a nightmare from hell...I've already had to frog it once, due to not counting right. Ended up using an "I" hook for it.

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