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63 Squares Crochet Along


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Kinda weird about some of the squares so far. To keep guage when I start, I have to switch hook sizes. But then when I finish the squares the finished sizes aren't the same. I have 4 done, 2 are 7 in. and 2 are 8 in. :think Any one else run into this difficulty?



Hi there marilynda! :hi

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Well, the area around Amarillo. Texas if on FIRE! Several small towns north of us have been evacuated. Like only 20-30 miles away, all around us. I can smell smoke and it is very windy out. I see fires on TV are farther south of us, around Fort Worth now, also They say it's the largest wild fire in Texas history. The skies are all gray all ready. Keep us in your prayers! I'm back to crocheting my squares. I'm begininng my 4th one. They are coming out so nice and are actually 7 inches square - - that's a surprise :D

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Well, the area around Amarillo. Texas if on FIRE! Several small towns north of us have been evacuated. Like only 20-30 miles away, all around us. I can smell smoke and it is very windy out. I see fires on TV are farther south of us, around Fort Worth now, also They say it's the largest wild fire in Texas history. The skies are all gray all ready. Keep us in your prayers! I'm back to crocheting my squares. I'm begininng my 4th one. They are coming out so nice and are actually 7 inches square - - that's a surprise :D


I'm so sorry! I will definitely keep you in my prayers.

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So far so good for mine. But, I'm making only the Blue (Ecru) ones now. I've made #s 35 & 7. I think #9 is next but not sure. I can't wait to buy the Rose and Green yarn.


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Texapan I will keep you in my thoughts as well. I have a friend that lives in Oklahoma that's been close to some pretty nasty elements lately.


#53 had to be totally redone, one of these days I'll learn how to read and follow directions. Seems like I forgot 2 of the single crochet rows in between the puff stitches. Me and puff stitches don't get along well, I keep snagging my hook on some of the loops which makes it hard to pull through. Having Arthritis in both my wrists doesn't help much either!


This is going to be my last day of really pretty weather for a while, cold front coming in. Wind is up and we'll only be in the low 60's tomorrow instead of our 82 today.

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The fires are still raging in the Texas Panhandle. We have been burnt for months and just ready for fires! :fire It's only 43 here and windy. The Governor is sending all kinds of help up here.

Speaking about arthritis - - my thumbs hurt lately and they pop. I blamed my right thumb looking all deformed and hurting for years on yanking my DH up in his hospital bed and blood pressure cuff, but now my left thumb is doing the same.

Well I'm off to crochet on my 4th square and more.

Where is everyone else on their 63 squares? :huh

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Texapan, go to an Orthopedist and have your thumbs checked. Just above my thumbs and just below my wrists is where my Arthritis is, I have a bone that sticks out when I grab my thumb with my fingers. That is where the Arthritis is dislocating a bone in your hand. My left is worst than my right. I didn't start doing alot of crocheting until I quit my job in January.

I'm now on square #55! Hope the fires die down soon

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Hi, everyone. Yesterday I thought I had the chevron stitch licked, but alas, no:eek ! Although I count stitches every row and have 24, my square is getting smaller as I go up. :yay I really don't know what I'm doing wrong. Does anyone have any suggestion? I thought about tension making the guage smaller, but that does not seem to be the problem. I'm wearing out the yarn! lol

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I had my right thumb x=rayed, 2 or 3 views several years ago but didn't show anything wrong. I've never shown my present doctor my right thumb area. Yesterday I awoke and that thumb on the outside when I open my hand and around to the front a little, was PURPLE. It doesn't hurt but it sure is odd. :think I can't put my right hand down, palm up and open my hand flat enough so that my thumb and hand part touches the table. The fat part of the thumb is extra fat and it will not lay down flat like normal. It's odd :yuck as heck and began when I had to keep pulling my DH up in his bed when he'd oochie down. Now when I swirl my left thumb around and around, it pops like the right one used to do. I'll show my doctor He said I have bursitis in my upper leg/thigh and butt joints. He moved my neck, back and legs & arms out and aorund and nothing hurt so he told me I didn't have arthritis. I still think I have can have arthritis in my wrists, thumbs and hand joints like you have and not necessarily in other parts of my body YET. Sometimes when I flex my fingers, the joints hurt. I ma sure I'm getting arthritis in those areas. :2eek I rub on some smelly cream (like BenGay) on my thumb joints and that helps - - - my dogs run away though :blah



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I only bought the Blue (Aran) color yarn until I saw if I liked it or not. So, I've only made the squares out of that color. I've made #s 3,5 and 9 (I think) using the Blue. I've been carefully measuring periodically because I don't crochet to most gauges. I'm using a G hook so far. :think. I'm off to work some more. Talk later :tup


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Hi, everyone. Yesterday I thought I had the chevron stitch licked, but alas, no:eek ! Although I count stitches every row and have 24, my square is getting smaller as I go up. :yay I really don't know what I'm doing wrong. Does anyone have any suggestion? I thought about tension making the guage smaller, but that does not seem to be the problem. I'm wearing out the yarn! lol

Is it getting alot smaller, marilynda? Because with my chevron square, it looked to be getting a tad smaller and then a tad bigger as I followed the pattern, but in the end it was a square. Hope these $0.02 help. :think


Hey there Texapan. :hi I'm working on the cluster square at the moment; taking the squares in color batches. I'm concentrating on the "green" ones, although with my color scheme, they're actually burgundy. :laughroll I wasn't sure I'd like the color in the store, but now I'm glad I bought it.

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Hi, Clocke. Thanks for answering my desperate plea. No, it isn't dramatically smaller. Maybe in is an optical illusion. I ripped out the entire square last night and I haven't redone it yet. I'll keep your experience in mind and maybe finish the square before I decide it has shrunk on me! I will let you know how I do. :hook

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I'm new to this sight and just got my book today. Did everyone start with #1 or pick a square that intrested them? I'm using black instead of the sage. My 14 year old grandaughter wants a pink, white and black afghan. I thought that this one would keep my interest. I tried a ripple last night but I didn't like the effect, so I will give this one a try. I have a brother in Wichita Falls, Tx. and a sister in Houston. Nieces and nephews are spread out in between. I always worry when this season comes, he already lost a home to a tornadoe several years ago. Hope the fires stay away from your door! Denise

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denny - that would be really nice in a pink, black and white...i'm doing all my squares in Red Heart Super Saver - Taupe, it looks like milk chocolate, and edging in dk. brown. i was starting in order, then i went random after that LOL welcome to the CAL:clap

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Denny Those colors sound nice, and yes I started in order as well. I'm using as close to the colors suggeted in the book.


Ladies I''ve just finished up #57, the last of the Rose squares and I'm glad I planed ahead. Just as I was working the edging I ran out of yarn a quarter of the way around the square! Last week I bought an emergancy skein just in case.

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Well, I'm happy to say I survived square #6! It turned out to be not as hard as I thought it would be. I confess I skipped up to square #61, as I wanted an easier square after that one. I'm now working on square #7. The puffs are a little difficult to manage, but I'm liking how the square is coming out. The interesting thing is that I had to switch hooks--from a "J" back to an "I"--to keep in gauge.

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Hey there denny! :hi I started with the "green" squares, and am doing them till I this skein runs out. Then I'm starting the "rose" squares. So far I'm doing them in the order that they are in the book. That way I won't worry so much about forgetting to do one. :lol


And as for progress, I'm stalling on the cluster square. :sigh I know I just need to sit down and work. But there are so many other things to crochet! :laughroll And these clusters with ww and a g hook aren't the easiest suckers to do. :frog

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I think today I did 3 and a half squares and am halfway done with #62. Not real fond of the Back double crochet but that's okay, it looks wonderful.


My next fun trip will be putting it all together, I didn't number a thing. Just tossed them all in bags in the order of when I did them. The hubby has been trying to give suggestions as to how I can lay them out, in one ear and out the other ladies!

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I've managed to get #7 and #8 done. I've started #9, and it's a breeze after #8 <g>. What I've been doing to keep them in order is putting each one into a plastic baggie with a label showing which # it is.


The other thing I've been doing to check up on gauge...I cut out a 7" cardboard square to compare the square to. It makes it so much easier to check on my progress.

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Ilene --


You have got the Secret To a Happy Marriage down to a science .


In one ear and out the other --- couldn't have said it better myself .


It really doesn't matter if they are in the order the books tells you to put them in, unless you WANT them that way . You can put them in any order you want .

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