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63 Squares Crochet Along


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Lol, JulieKay! Guess I better tighten up that seatbelt as well. :lol


Pam, I highly recommend reading the directions for the trinity square multiple times. :D


Chevron relief square finished.

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I agree with that trinity sq. one LOL i just finished it but once you figure it out it was super simple, i had to get my hubby to read it to me line-by-line to get it, the way i was reading it i was getting 5 loops instead of 4 loops?? but i figured it out now :clap

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Ladies I would really like to join the Forum, I've already gotten up to square #48. At the rate I'm going I'll be done by the end of March if I could just get passed row 5. I'm probably just not reading it right! Ilene

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I think this is the first crochet booklet I purchased, since it was recommended by one of the Warm-Up America links I checked as my reason for learning to crochet :cheer (and what a great decision that was:hook ) - but I could never get up the enthusiasm (or determination?) to get started. Definitely a case of crochet ADD.... I also didn't care that much for the colors - and didn't have the confidence to pick others.


OTOH, after 9 months of determined yarn and pattern collecting (what? I'm supposed to do something with 'em?:rofl), I *think* I've got enough different yarns and colors thereof to make *something*. :think And I really would like to claim I've finished a real afghan. I figure I have a chance with y'all's encouragement and help in sticky spots.


So, here goes: caron simply soft (love that yarn!) in off-white, sage and dark sage. and if that combo turns out too dull, well, we'll see.


My first CAL:dance, using my first pattern booklet - how fitting:heehee!


and thank y'all in advance for the help I know I'm gonna need! (*proudly heading out to update her signature block to include a real live CAL!*)

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Hi, clocke (:hi) thanks for the word picture, that's lovely:manyheart !


:sigh Now, although I thought it would take longer before I ran into my first snag (I mean, single crochet? how hard can that be?):think , for my first :help question: I've finished my lovely square #1, and it's gorgeous, so nice and smooth and regular. And 8" wide. :eek Precisely. supposed to be 7". I was trying to hook lightly and not so tight; guess I got part of it right.


I can't bear to frog it all; it looks so innocent..... Any other alternatives than to relegate it to a I'll-find-a-use-for-this-at-some-point square pile? and start another square #1 with a smaller hook?


and if so, any suggestions on how many sizes smaller to go when you've got an entire inch to shrink? (pattern suggested H, I used an I knowing I crochet too tightly, what now?)



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Just thought I'd drop a post in here about the raffle squares- If you havent yet mailed them, please do so by today ( Saturday) .

The deadline to have the finished afghan to Elizabeth is looming shortly, so I am gonna have to get a move on it to get it to her in time .

Thanks !

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Well, I got Square #2 done last night watching TV. 61 more to go...I'm still nervous about the Trinity Square, but I'm trying not to think about it. :(

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Oh, thank you, JulieKay :hug


What a great tip:whew. And that means (drumroll, please...)


I've finished Square #1:cheer (*heading out to update signature block* [hey, progress is progress, even if it is on the simplest stitch on the planet]) (But, you're sure the pattern police won't be on my case, right?:wink )


Before I saw your answer, I started square 2 using the next smaller hook, and it turned out at 8", too, (and I was all depressed, until I logged on). So I guess this is going to be a biiig afghan.


and green is my son's favorite color, so guess who gets my first afghan?


and, am I the only one to finish off a square after the last row *then* read the instructions to do a edging round in the same color? :oopsI just love weaving in ends. Not. :irk (In spite of the clearly printed "do not finish off"? it's not just crochet help I need - it's English comprehension!)


Hi Patricia

Love your colors ! Green is my favorite !

Try doing your second square and see what size it turns out. All of mine turned out 8 inches ,so as long as they all turn out the SAME size, it won't matter .

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Finally after joining sometime last year I am finally going to start my blanket!! I have square one done and now only 62 more to go. Finishing this blanket is one of my goals this year. I am just using leftover yarn with white borders.


Happy Crocheting...


Amanda :hook

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It was far to pretty here today in N.C. to stay in side so I put the crocheting aside and washed my car. Lord knows it needed it! After working 3 to Midnight for the last 2 and a half years there was bearly time to breath. I'm beginning to like this vacation. :c9


I did start on #49 after everyone went to bed last night.

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Hi Patricia

Glad my tip helped you out . I thought maybe that'd be the case, so it saved you from tearing it out and starrting all over !

And your son is one smart dude if green is his favorite color, it's mine too !


Welcome back, Amanda - stick with us and you'll get it done this time . Just drop in daily and we'll keep you motivated .


Ilene, I don't blame you, if you got good weather today and wanted outside ! I bet it is getting pretty down there now -- are any flowers blooming yet ?

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Yes they are, I got plenty of Dafodils in my yard and pretty soon the Tigerlillies will be up, all the trees are in bloom as well. Told husband that it was yard cleaning time too! He was overjoyed to say the least.

BTW. I got #50 done just after dinner.

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Hi, Amanda (:hi)

I'm working on square 2 myself - it will be a pleasure to work alongside you, and hear your progress. From here, 63 looks like an awful lot to complete, and it's nice to have lots of company! :ghug


and your scrap design sounds great! I'm wondering whether to include a dark red in my color scheme, so if you end up using a dark color, I'd be interested in whether you think the stitch pattern shows up nicely in the darker colors.


Finally after joining sometime last year I am finally going to start my blanket!! I have square one done and now only 62 more to go. Finishing this blanket is one of my goals this year. I am just using leftover yarn with white borders.


Happy Crocheting...


Amanda :hook

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We love the Caolinas-- a beautiful area of the country . You are lucky to see all the signs of spring already. We heard our first bird chirping in the yard on Friday, but we had high winds later that day-- I heard him squawking ,then silence. So I don't know if he lost his toe-hold and got blown out to Indiana, or if he took cover and is afraid to come back out !:lol

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Finished square 2 - came out to be 8" before the 1st edging round w/ an H hook, so I guess I'm making 8"+ size squares....


Finished square 3 - but was 8.25; now that's probably too big - will try again with next smaller hook. (Just imagine if each square I made was larger than the last; what size would square 63 be?:eek:wink)


I went ahead and used the caron SS raspberry (deep jewel red) to make square 3 - it's one of my favorite colors - and I think it will go well with the dark sage; looks very Christmas-y. not so sure how well it goes with the light sage, though. I'm thinking of using the off-white not in squares, but to make 3" sashing between squares in a quilt-like look; if so, I'd probably assemble the 63 squares into 2 separate afghans since the sashing plus the oversized squares plus a border would be way too big- raspberry/dk sage and lt sage/dk sage. Any advice?

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Hi. I hope I'm not breaking any rules by posting this. I did try to "join" on the first page, but the link is down.


I have just joined Crocheville and one of the things that led me to finding you was a qestion on another forum that Tobybob kindly answered. Is it too late for me to join your crochet-along?

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Ilene -- pretty funny -- I can just picture you dragging your husband out by the ear to do his yardwork .


Glad you got another square done !


Patricia -

Well, as far as colors go, do you have a digital camera to post a photo ? You may be able to use all the colors in one. I'm thinking maybe if you had a lighter pink shade, so then you'd have 2 shades of green and 2 of the pink ? I don't know, I'd have to see the yarn together .



Of course, you are welcome, and no, you're not breaking the rules ! Go right ahead and jump in. What colors are you using and have you started yet or just thinking about it ?

The sign in page is currently down ,so just come on in here -we're always glad to see new faces !

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I managed to get 5 squares done now. My sister came to visit over the weekend, so I gave her a crash course in crocheting as I was working on my squares. Today I start the dreaded Trinity Square <g>. The funny thing I'm finding is that, while a lot of you seem to be getting larger squares, I seem to be making smaller ones. I've had to switch to a J hook to keep in gauge.

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