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63 Squares Crochet Along


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I have my gallery album up now of the 63 square Crochet-along.

I've gotten 28 squares finished now but pics only posted of the first 17 squares I think. I have not crocheted the edges on them yet. One thing I thought would be handy, and oh yah it will be for sure when there's 63 of these puppies sittin in a bag, is that on the piece of yarn that shows the right side of the work, I attached a small card of the Square Number. Just a thought [i have them sometimes :)], it may help some of the rest of you as well.


I'm really enjoying doing these squares, there's only a few squares that were a total pain in the *ss to do.


Enjoy the viewing

in the <a href="http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/jewels_boa/album?.dir=/47fd&.src=ph&.tok=phQlxVCBr43KMWqO" target="_new">Gallery</a>...

<img border=0 src="http://img28.photobucket.com/albums/v84/crochetville/photos.gif" />

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Guest xxJessBezzxx

I apologize if i've missed it somewhere when trying to hunt through previous posts.....but i could've SWORN, somewhere in the info with the 63 Squares CAL that i saw something about a "template" for a webpage to put up pictures of your completed squares. Maybe i'm nuts...i dunno. *chuckles*


Does anyone have any idea what i'm talking about?


I'm ready to slap some pictures up, but would rather use a nice page on my website as opposed to just using the good ole' Yahoo Photos standby....

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hi everyone! i just joined here, and have requested to be added at the 63 Squares CAL page. i ordered my book tonight and am SOO excited to begin! i cannot wait! i really really want a beautiful warm afghan that i can take with me to college and have there. i need to start thinking what yarns to get. do they recommend a brand or is it just worsted weight? what types would you guys recommend? i'm looking for something not too expensive or hard to find- pretty much what you can find at Michaels since thats the only yarn store that i can drive to. its for three colors, correct? so that would be...21 squares of each color. what if i did 7 colors, so it would be 9 squares in each? or maybe i should just stick to the pattern so its not confusing....i tend to confuse myself sometimes guys so if you aren't with me- dont you worry! :blah



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Hi Chelsea!


Worsted weight yarn is what the pattern calls for, so you are definitely in good shape by shopping at Michaels. I think most of us are using three colors, but of course it's your afghan so you can use any you like. There is a graph inside the book which shows the layout of the squares, so you can tweak the colors as you wish. :D!

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Lots o'thanks for adding my gallery site up to the 63 square-along page....

motoring along on the squares - I even "crocheted in public" <gasp> haha today at the Dr office while I was waiting for my appt to come up. Oh the freedom of it, LOL:yay2 :yay 2

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hm..worsted weight...maybe i could use (lol, when i was writing 'use' i actually wrote 'yous'....god its too early!) anyways, maybe caron's simply soft? i love the stuff, its so shiny! i dont know if it would turn out to be very warm though? i got on excel last night and was playing around with patterns and stuff, i did the one i think they must show in the book because alot of people have it, the one where the blocks are in diagonal stripes? and then i did another one, it comes out to be 20, 22, 21 instead of 21,21,21. but still works. i'd show it to you if i could! its pretty!!! i'm thinking of doing either light pink and light sage and cream since its for my room but tons of people have done that...so maybe 2 shades of pink and cream or have all three be shades pink (who wants to take a stab at my favorite color?! haha) my mom will be home tonight...i'll see what she thinks. i really can't wait!!!!

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sounds good! does anyone, if you've ever made one before now, have any idea, ballpark, of how many skeins of each color i'd need? cause i am sure you guys find it just annoying as i do, when you are *THIS CLOSE* to finishing or working at a good pace when you run out!


i am also looking for the best sales (well, scratch that. arent we all? haha) for the Simply Soft cause being a teenager, i dont have much money!!! does anyone know of any good places online? michaels hasnt had ANY coupons lately and i just simply do not allow myself to go in there without one! just can't afford it! any help would be appriciated! you guys are WONDERFUL.


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Well, the pattern calls for this:


Ecru - 33 ounces (940 grams, 2265 yards)

Rose - 19 ounces (540 grams, 1305 yards)

Green - 22 ounces (620 grams, 1510 yards)


But I wouldn't go by ounces, go by yards. The pattern calls for 5080 yards total, so divide that by the number of yards in the skein you're buying to find the number of skeins. Always buy a little extra, just in case.

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thanks!!!! i found this online: store.knitting-warehouse....-soft.html to which my grand total would be $34.92! i think i really got a good deal here. i havent ordered it yet though..still a little baffled by colors. i dont know if i want to do (see colors in link) the 3 pinks they have- light pink, antique rose, and plum wine...or maybe have something different mixed in there? i've never seen all three of these, just the antique, so i dont know how true these pics are. nor do i know how they will contrast with each other. i dont want it to be just one big blob of pink..SO MANY possibilities!!!! i dont like making decisions, lol.

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Chelsea, I order Simply Soft from the online Joann's store - they're selling the solid colors (6 oz skeins) and the ombres (5 oz skeins) for 2.06 right now. If you spend more than $30, I think they're offering free shipping (the code for it should pop up when you go to their site).


I like to watch their sales - they usually have the best prices on the simply soft, and a pretty decent selection, too. Worth looking into, anyway.

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sorry to repost..dont know if thats allowed..


i decided to go with cream, light green and antique rose (done, i know but it matches so whatever!) and i've decided to follow my own little pattern (i really wish i could show you guys!) instead of the stripes. my pattern involves however 22 cream, 20 green, and 21 pink. would this mess anything up when i am creating the squares, except the fact that i would make one less of the green ones and one EXTRA of the creams? i think what i am going to do is, because 5080 divided my 315 yds, comes to just over 16 skeins, is i am going to get five of each and when i need more (a long time from now!) i'll get them then because i'll have a better knowledge of how much more i'll need, PLUS i'll have michaels coupons. since right now they are being so stingy (stin-gee?) and all and not giving coupons. you guys help my thought process!



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aw man, i just saw you guys' posts (i guess i took FOREVER for my last post because when i had just started it, it would have been right after my previous one) and now i'm all silly about colors! BUT you guys just saved me $3.14. not a lot but it IS money!!! i was THIS CLOSE (as in, i was about to click the final button on ordering and thought 'let me recheck this' and looked here and then went to joann's and its cheaper! still pondering colors..i am closer though!

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ok i decided to go with the same colors and to get my FULL money's worth, i got one extra skein of the cream for $2.06 for what actually turned out to be just over a dollar. and by the way, that afghan is GORGEOUS....just doesnt match my room or else i would totally have to use those exact same colors...i love the raspberry. maybe my next ghan i will- you guys remind me that so we dont go through this WHOLE SAGA OVER AGAIN!!! lol :bang YAY! yarn- check. correct hook- check. book- check. now i just have to wait for it to come and then its MADNESS!!! :clap:knit

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Go, Chelsea! :cheer2 Thanks! I just showed you that ghan because I thought maybe you were thining about going all pinks and might want to see some of them together. Glad you got it all picked out and ordered! :clap

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well,it did help me- i was unsure whether i should go with the antique pink or wine...i went with the antique.




i guess i should tell you guys now- i am NOT patient. AT ALL. never have been! :eek2 :mail:hyper and lastly, me cheering on the mailman everyday: :cheer2 'come on!! how funky is your chicken? how loose is your goose? bring my yarn already, YOU BIG SILLY GOOSE!"

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my book came!!!! i love the patterns! some of them look really hard, the ones at the end of the book....if i work on these from beginning to end, i will improve my 'stitch knowledge' and beable to comeplete these, right? i hope! they are really pretty but look super hard. now i'm just waiting for my yarn to come!

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