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Lots of loose ends - holding it together though...

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Hi Everyone -

I haven't posted in a while as many things have happened - My dear dad's Memorial was last month, and he has another one coming up next week at the nursing home that all the residents participate in since they couldn't make the cemetary one...so that will be hard for me but I know they loved him as well...

Now in the last week my mom took a turn and developed severe pneumonia - she has Parkinson's Disease and the swallowing that she has trouble with did not help in her getting pneumonia as she "aspirates" some food and fluid no matter what they try. So we almost lost her on Saturday from a high temp and congestion/diff breathing. She does not want life supports and we were really praying she would take a turn around as it just is TOOOOO SOOOOOON for me to face this all again - I have had so much loss in my life over the past 4-5 yrs and I have held it together but I just was reeling from my Dad and beginning again to get up and keep on going and now this -

I don't mean to sound "whiney" as that is just not who I am - nor selfish - but it is just that I need a "breather" from the end-on-end troubles and extremes...

It is taking it's toll on both my hubby and I who are very connected but it still is the continual stress of it all... we tried to get away over Memorial Weekend and then just on the heels of getting home - Mom's health issues plummeted and we were back in what I like to call - "quills up" mode like a porcupine who is scared stiff of what is to come!

I am a very prayerful and faithfilled person who is well grounded but - I still have many moments of looking up to the heavens and saying "enuf is enuf!"

Please if you could send a good thought or prayer my way today I sure could use it - I am headed to the hospital to assist mom in getting thru a modified barium swallow so we can see what is making it to her stomach and what sneeks into her lungs as far as fluids. My dad had a gtube and I know my mom is afraid she will eventually need one too....Too many worries here that is for sure!

Thank you for any and all support...needless to say I am crocheting in between all the waiting you do in the hospital - prayer shawls. Friday it was 10 hours in the emerg and I got one almost done!

Love to you all....

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It will be ok. The clouds will part and the sun will shine again. It may take some time, but you are stong and you will survive. We're all here to lend a shoulder and an ear.


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:dog I understand. I've spent most of the last 3 weeks with my mother at the hospital and now tending to her at her house. It's exhausting. I started feeling worse when I woke up than when I went to bed from sheer exhaustion. I hope things get better for you soon.



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I know - God only gives us as much as we can handle as long as we rmember to turn towards him and ask for strength beyond what is normal.


You will get thru this and on the other side you will be stronger, more self-reliant and (hopefully) your faith will be stronger.


Every now and then the Universe reminds us of how furtunate we are thru tribulation.


I pray for your parents and I also pray for you - for strength, peace, serenity and sanity.


God bless you during this difficult time.

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