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Very Happpy to finally be HOME!

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This is the first place that I have really felt like I belonged. Everyone here is so kind and generous with their comments and support. I had no idea there were so many hookers out there. No one I know does this craft. I have tried to talk to friends and such and they get that blank stare. That would not happen here. I am finally home!!:manyheart

Thanks for being here.


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You know, I am beginning to feel the same way. I joined back in October, but for whatever reasons I didn't come back very often - and when I did I would just read thru posts. Today I really needed an answer & you all responded in like 2 seconds - I love it!

I have a little group I belong to & we all try our best to meet up weekly, but everyone lives so far apart and I don't know anyone else who crochets or knits.

Last week on my lunch hour I made what I thought were totally adorable baby booty sandals - I took them in to show a co-worker & she thought they were cute but added "why would you want to do that on your lunch time?" - kinda bursted my bubble. :(

Not on here though - everyone "gets it" and is so kind. What home should feel like. :bheart

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I agree...there is always someone to help...whether it is crochet...or...personal. I love the warmth and compassion here...you can feel the love!!! Thanks for sharing!

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I agree with the others. When I am here I feel like I am with family. No one in my family crochets so I feel like the black sheep of the family, but that is not true here. Thanks everyone for the support and encouragement.

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it is nice to be able to talk to others that have the same thoughts. me and my older sis are the crafty ones in the bunch, but my family just think we are the greatest thing since sliced bread. makes me realize how fortunate i am.

love makes our little world go around.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Glad you've found a home here. I've always seen helpful posts, no one's been rude to anyone the whole time I've been here. I know one particular know it all who seems to show up in all my Yahoo knitting and crochet groups, thankfully, she hasn't found me here yet LOL (I don't have anything against her really, she just has to one up anyone who posts anything, really annoying).

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