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Yarn Stash in Storage-Long Time No Crochet

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A month ago DH and I decided to put our house on the market to move to a nearby town. In order for our house to show decently, it was necessary to rent a storage unit (climate-controlled---not cheap!) to get the clutter out of here. I had to put my Rubbermaid bins of yarn in storage since big unsightly orange plastic things probably wouldn't make someone want to buy the house. For awhile we were busy looking at houses and getting stuff out of here. I hoped that our house would sell quickly, but it's apparently going to be awhile.


So I'm missing my stash and crocheting in general! Since the house isn't selling right now, I'll have to break down and go get some of the yarn out. Unfortunately there are things on top of them, so it will take some doing. Keep your collective fingers crossed that our house sells soon and that we get this move behind us so I can get back to normal.

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I know what you are going thru. Our house is under contract but I don't think it is going to go thru.:P So here I set with boxes and may have to undo them. Won't even find out until June the 15th.


Good luck to you.



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123mama, I hope your house contract closes without a hitch. Maybe another buyer will come and swoop it away from this buyer.


I think our house will sell as it's in the starter home, affordable range, but it's just playing the odds and waiting for the right person to come along. It gets kind of like dating, where we start feeling desperate buy trying to not to appear that way. The real estate game is NOT fun!!

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I hope your house sells quickly. Just bring a bin of yarn home and you can always pop it into the trunk of your car if the house has a showing. Or just leave a stash in your trunk!!

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I'll be doing that soon enough. I just flat out refuse to put all of my stash away. What does get put up will be at the very front of storage for easy access.

It might be worth it to re-arrange the storage so you can put your yarn up front. Just think - you'll only have to do it once,

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All great ideas . . . I did find to my joy that one local Walmart still has a yarn aisle, so I bought some more. I rationalized it by saying I need to make some dishcloths since some cousins have expressed interest in having some. I also bought some RH Baby as a friend's daughter is expecting. How's that for rationalization? I'm getting pretty good at that, if not at crochet itself!

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