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When do you find the time??

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I am also a sahm. I have three children (only one still at home during the day). It's become a bit of a joke, but I carry my crochet with me at all times. I crochet during nap time, in the car while I'm waiting for practice to be over and even at the ball field during games. It works well for easy, low concentration projects. It's becoming a trend and others are starting to join in. I even had another mom join me at the ballgame the other night. It's a great conversation starter!

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Ds is 4 and dd is 18 months and I crochet when they are in the bath. I bathe them every night. I plunk them in with bubbles and a bunch of empty shampoo bottles and toys and they play for up to 45 minutes (it does get uncomfortable sitting on the toilet lid but I get to crochet!). I also crochet while they play or watch tv. The key thing for me is to do easy projects that I can look up from and put down if I need to. I am on my own as dh is overseas. I love doing socks as they are normally easy and small.


I think another thing to remember is that with one child the parent tends to entertain but with two they entertain each other or at least that is how it is for me.


It is getting easier for me.



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You guys are all so awesome! I'm having so much fun reading how you all sneak in some crochet time...or not...during the day! It's given me some good ideas and most of all, permission!! to find time during the busy day to crochet, even if it is just for a few minutes! :yay



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Anything that helps you keep your sanity is good for you. We're so programmed now-a-dayz to think that taking a break or time for ourselves is wrong. If you don't take care of you then you can't take care of anyone else.


Happy Crocheting!

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It was fun to read how everyone made time for crochet. I was going lol at " I steal time " . Yup, we all need our crochet time , dont we :D


I prefer to do mine at night after all the day's work has been done and dottie has gone to bed. Then, as the child herself says , its mama's "peace and quiet time". The only problem is, sometimes I just dont want to stop and such marathons ruin my sleep pattern :"> , but hey I'm not really complaining - I love what I'm doing :D

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I've often wondered the same thing. Where's the time? I'm married with 3 grown children and don't work, yet I still can't find enough time to crochet. I'm one of those that when I start something, it consumes me until it's finished, so if I start a crochet project, then everything else suffers. So I try to get all my errands done before I pick up my hooks, but most times, that takes up most of my day then I have to start dinner, clean up after dinner, etc. I have about 5 unfinished projects that I would love to finish yet there are so many other projects I want to start and even more projects I want to design.


So much yarn, not enough time!!

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My rule is that at 9:00 at night I start "ME" time. Anything not done by then just needs to wait. I always have a varietiy of different projects going so I just work on whatever I feel mentally up to at that time of night. Good excuse for lots of WIP's, huh???


I'm also fortunate enough to have 4 weeks of vacation every year, so I make a habit of taking 1 day off every month and just dedicate it to ME. It's become known as my "mental health day". No husband, no kids, just whatever I feel like doing. Usually I just end up putting a Murder She Wrote DVD on, and crocheting or knitting all day. That's my favorite day of each month!!!!


Kathy (PS: I'm also in Bucks County)

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I crochet in waiting rooms when I take mom or kids to doctor. I also keep a small project in my van to work on while waiting for the kids after school. I work on larger projects when I am watching my son play in the yard. I guess anytime I sit down I have a hook near by. Just trying to find a way to crochet while i am on the computer...lol:lol

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I keep a small ball of yarn or thread in my purse and crochet almost anywhere. (even at work when it is slow) I also crochet while walking in the evenings, during movies, and in lieu of television (since I haven't had television for more than a year). I can crochet while riding in the car but since it seems like I am always the driver that doesn't happen much. I have noticed that when I am really engrossed in a project my housework seems to suffer, though I can still manage to read the subtitles on the anime dvds!

That said though, it is much easier to find time in the winter months. Somehow something always comes up in spring and summer, and I get caught up in projects that don't involve yarn (the horror!)

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I love to crochet in the mornings, when it's still quiet. I get up at 5:00, I have my coffee and work on my most difficult projects then, because I know I won't be interrupted. I take my mindless, easy projects along as take-along projects (for doctor's offices, waiting for things, etc.). My medium difficulty projects I save for in front of the TV in the evenings.


I think the funniest was the time I brought a Project Linus blanket to work on while waiting for the dentist. All the receptionists, dental hygenists and I got into this animated conversation about knitting vs. crocheting (we all agreed we enjoyed crocheting more).

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I have 3, the youngest is 18 months and she is my clingiest. I couldn't do anything (cross-stitch, knit, cook, think straight) until just this Jan or so. It was hard to get used to, the boys (3 and 7) could've cared less if I was in the room at that age. Easier to cause trouble I guess.


I purposely get up at 4 when my DH leaves for work to have a couple hours alone, also I've found bringing the crochet outside to watch them play is alot easier than the knitting, and of course bedtime. I get alot more done than I think I do!

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I took up crochet when my younger two were toddlers because I wanted something to occupy my hands while watching them play in the afternoon; they were two, thee and half and Ah Leah (villager now!) was eight and a half. We'd sit in the den together. Of course I only did one pattern:D from a Mary Maxim kit, a side-to-side ripple - but I made FIVE of those blankets:yes


I remember those blankets. Was it really only five of them? I seem to remember more. Rose, blue, green, peach. I remember when you branched out and toddy requested a rainbow blanket. You were like.... rainbow RIPPLES, right???


And you got SO ticked when ty would stick his toes through the holes.

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I snatch any time I can get. I home-school my kids all morning every day, so I will sit with kids around me, helping them as they need it, and crochet in my lap. I pick it up for a couple of minutes here or there when they don't need help. I also do it at night when they are in bed after 8pm.


Of course, doing it while my husband drives us somewhere is great, too.


I also take it with me to ballet lessons, church, and various other activities just in case I get a chance to do some. Friday night we got to the movies way early (because it was Pirates 3 opening night) and so I got in 45 minutes of crocheting sitting in the theatre. :D

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Hi, I have a 12 yr old, 3 yr old, and 2 yr old. I take my crochet with me every time I leave the house, so whenever I'm waiting somewhere, I'm crocheting (waiting to pick up my son from school, drive thrus, waiting for the train to pass, etc.) My kids nap everyday from 11-2p, but I have to nap to so i can re-energize when they do! :) lol

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I crochet when my 2 years daughter playing with her toys, or when I feed her (she is picky eater and chew her food very long). I can't crochet when she is sleeping because that is the time that I have to work! (I work at home)

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