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I made a mess

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I received my order from Ebay yesterday.


When I received it.....It looked like this:





I was so excited to start the project that I had in mind for this....I just grabbed an end and started......needless to say, I have one he** of a mess right now. I wish I had taken a pic of what it looks like now.


Please help.

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Beautiful Yarn. Here is my advice to undo your mess. If you have some part of the yarn that is still fairly together - place it over the back of your dining room chair - get the end (the one you were working on) and start winding into a ball - untangling as you go along. Good luck!!

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Been there, done that!!

Now when I get yarn in a hank like that, I use my 15yo.....he holds the hank and I roll it into a ball......

I hope you are able to undo the tangle. just remember, PATIENCE!!!! If you get frustrated and yank the yarn, you could really make things yukky!!!

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I hear you sister, I did the same thing with sock yarn a few weeks ago - I was just going to cast on - well, that turned into a few rows & a whole lot of knotted yarn.

I gave up & gave it to my mum to fix - the mess was unreal!

Good luck getting straight

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It is beautiful yarn!!


Good luck getting it all sorted out! I have never bought yarn in a hank but I hear that it's best to always roll it into a ball first.

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That's the beauty of having a yarn swift...unless your daughter (or you) have a dull but useful suitor, who will hold yarn for hours for you. I have an umbrella swift I can adjust to any size hank of yarn.

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I find it kind of soothing to untangle a mess of yarn... I will wind hanks with my yarn winder when I'm feeling stressed.


But, yeah, you need to find the other end and make it into a ball.

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Tracy - Hanks of yarn don't work the same way as a skein. You just cannot work with it as it. I use my dining room chair to hold the hank and then I wind it.


You are going to need alot of patience to untangle it - I learned a valuable lesson as I didn't wind my first hank of yarn into a ball.


The yarn is beautiful so its worth the time - just have patience and good luck :hug

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I love the color of the yarn-yummy:yes . That almost happened to me:eek . I had never ordered yarn from this company(I needed wool yarn because I wanted to make a felted bag), well I opened my box and there were 6 of these "hanks". I picked one up and looked at it and thought "how do I use it:think . Thank goodness I waited because a few day's later, this one Knitting program that I watch off and on just happened to be showing how to make a ball from a "hank". Goodluck to you!!!!

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Oh, I can TOTALLY sympathize with you! I had never bought a skein that looked like this until a few weeks ago. It was then that I purchased four skeins, 50g each, of fuchsia EYELASH yarn to use on one of June Gilbanks' fuzzy bears. Like you, I found what I THOUGHT was "the end". I now have something that looks like a fuchsia tumbleweed that got caught in a blender. I put it aside because the thought of trying to make sense of it right at the moment was just too daunting. I'll leave it for now and take it down to the pool with me one day so I can work on my tan while I undo the massive damage I did. :blush



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