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My Mysterious Benefactor

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Delight upon delights!


Coming home from lunch today (we're a one-car family - I pick up the husband and we go home for lunch), I saw that a small package was leaning against our door. My husband is always ordering computer parts, but much to my suprise, it was instead a package addressed to me!


And inside, without a word of explanation, was my very own copy of Stoller's SnB! I've had the library copy out for weeks now (I simply keep renewing it), and I've been longing to write my own notes and comments in it. As soon as I tore off the packaging, I flung myself spread-eagle across the bed and spent a fevered-happy lunch hour writing notes in the book.




Giddy ~ Joy

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It is probably from your librarian! :D



I have received care packages from "my local neighborhood" whatevers before. The most astonishing example was while I was a college student. I was working summers in the Adirondack mountains where my BANK-TELLER sent me a huge care package, full of everything from socks to snacks, sunscreen to scrunchies. It was incredible!


~ Joy

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Now go treat yourself really well and have it spiral bound at Office Max or some such place for about $3... then it will lay open flat and you'll be in heaven!!! :c9

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What a great idea! I didn't know Office Max did things like that. . .


I found out who my Mysterious Benefactor is! I felt like kissing the mailbox when I got my book in! :mail:manyheart:mail


~ Joy

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