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Crochetme Ultimate Crocheted Socks CAL


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I am starting a new CAL based on the new crochetme pattern: the Ultimate Crocheted Socks . I have already started my toe. Anyone who wants to join me can.:hook


Please note: when starting the heel of this pattern you should start at the side marker and work towards the bottom midpoint of the sock. Also, there is NO negative ease (where the garment "hugs" you) in this sock. If you want any negative ease you will have to go down a hook size and make your foot shorter. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO KNOW YOUR GAUGE FOR THIS PATTERN. It has been coming up big for many people.


Dorothy the designer has kindly added her comments on post #73. Thank you so much Dorothy!




If you have other socks you are working on I don't mind if you show them too.


Happy sock-making!



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oh, no:no , don't give up on the sock CAL! I wanted to do this, but was waiting on finishing up a few things. So count me in.:yes I'm not sure how they'll look when they're finished, but I'll give it a good try!:lol .............................Lise

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The pattern calls for sock yarn but you can make socks with ww. You would have to adjust your gauge (unless you are lucky and have a big foot). However, there are sock patterns out there for ww. Just as an aside in sock weight yarn there are 40 stitches around for the smaller size so really even though the yarn is fine it doesn't take you forever iyswim. I know I was intimidated with fine weight yarn when I first started as I thought it meant it would take forever. Sock weight yarn allows you to wear the socks in your normal shoes.


I am glad that someone wants to do this with me because it isn't a CAL unless there is someone else!:lol


It's ok funnymom I am finishing up some WIPS too so I can devote more time to this.



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Thanks for the answer! How about sport weight or baby yarn? To me those are pretty fine weight yarn, so would those work? I can't wait to start!

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I have a couple of things I have to finish yet today, but then I think I'll go ahead and join this one. I have a ball of Magic Stripes that has been sitting in my stash for several years. I'd been hoping to knit a pair of socks from it, but my double-point needles and I aren't getting along so well right now!

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Try doing a gauge swatch with the baby yarn it might work. The yarn I picked was swatching a little big so I went down a size in the pattern like she suggested and it seems to be fine. I actually finally gave up knitting when making a sock with dpns. I really enjoy crocheting much more than knitting. With crocheted socks there is just the one hook which I think is easier. Also the toe is much simpler with crochet. You'll be amazed how fast you can do socks.



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Has anyone else started on their sock? I have a few more rows done. I was planning on doing more but my sewage pipe blocked up and yesterday was shot after that. Luckily the basement is unfinished so cleaning up wasn't so bad (cement floor). I am still wearing shoes when I do the laundry but a few more mops and I think it will be ok again. It was a bunch of baby wipes. Kids are great aren't they?!



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Oh no! Not the sewage pipe!:yuck I haven't started my sock yet:blush , but I'm going to in a little bit. I have this nice, soft:c9 lilac baby yarn that I'm going to use. I won't be able to wear my socks in my shoes but that's all right.

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One of my 2007 goals is crochetting some socks. This CAL look like a good start! Somehow, I have too many projects that call to me. I will keep checking on this CAL this week. I may join in as this look like a quick project between periods of larger projects. Instant gratification anyone ? ;)

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Oh you mean you are making socks in time for the summer? Actually, last night I was thinking that my son and daughter have the initials R and H and I thought I should make them sweaters in the appropriate colours with their initials on them but I thought it would be too cheesy. I am making the Molly Weasley sweater right now. I have 1 1/2 sleeves left to do.


How is your sock going? I am finding it pretty easy. Every time I pick it up and start doing esc I have to stop myself doing dc because the motion is the same. After a few stitches I am fine though. I like the esc stitch though and am glad I have learned it.



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I started mine last night!:clap I finished the toe and started the foot:socks . I'll try to get a picture of my progress later. I'm not sure how much I like the esc stitch:blink . But it is easy, so I can't complain.:hook

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The esc is a little different. I have always wanted to get the books by Elmore (the guy who made those extended stitches popular) but they are out of print now and are hard to find. My sock is going well although it turns out I have no negative ease. I am not that worried as I am using pure wool that is NOT superwash so it gives me a little bit of room for shrinkage. I wear handmade socks so much that it is a habit to have them soaking in the bathroom sink while I have a bath every evening. I really prefer the socks I make to store bought ones now. I warn you that you might become addicted to making socks!



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I've gotten quite a bit of progress on my first sock:cheer . I couldn't get the pic to resize for here:blush , so it's at my blog (in my siggy).:)

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I love this ~ Finally a crochet sock pattern that I like! I was going to knit socks with some awesome hand-dyed sock yarn but I loathe dpns. Now I can crochet them. WOOT! Thank you for posting this!


I can't say if I'm going to do them now or not. With four kids and moving 800 miles away, I'm a little busy. Plus I'm working on DHs ripple afghan, which will be 4ft x 7ft. UGH.

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Joy your sock looks really nice. I think there must be something wrong with the pattern maybe. I did a gauge swatch and went down a size but still it is a little loose. My foot is 9 inches and I made the socks for the 8 inch size. I don't mind but it is something to keep in mind if you like your socks to fit tightly.


I didn't work on mine today because would you believe the power went out this morning for a while. Bad week or what?:eek I was just getting back to normal after the sewage pipe backing up.



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Rachel, I'm doing the small size, but it still seems a bit big. :think Do you think if I went back to the toe and took away 2 rounds (so there's eight rounds instead of ten) that that would work? I don't want my socks too big. :worried

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If you think they will be way too big you could do that or just not increase for row 9 and 10 in the toe. It seems like they should have made a smaller size if both of us are using the smallest size and coming up too big.:think



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Diane and Rachel- Please come join us! It'll be so much more fun if we had more people! (No offense Rachel, just the more the merrier!:D ) And you can never have too many socks:socks !


Rachel- I think I'll just go back and take out those two last 'toe rows'. I'm not too far into the foot. :hook

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I agree-the more the merrier. Hunzie don't you need a project for the trip when you move? A nice small project like socks????? :lol


I think a lot of people are suffering from WIP overload at the minute. I have 4 at the minute. Look at the tonne of CALs at the minute!


Joy, another idea I had was to do sc the whole way. Lots of sock patterns use plain sc and it will tighten up the gauge a bit I think. Just another idea.:hook



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I decided not to take away rounds 9 and 10. I figure that after it goes through a wash cycle, it'll shrink (usually after something goes in the dryer at my house, it shrinks:lol ). I'm working on the gusset at the moment. :clap

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Excellent Olive! You are further along than I am now Joy. I hope to work on more tonight. It isn't dark until almost 10pm now so I can crochet easily in the evening. We get about 4 hours of darkness in the summer (not quite north enough for 24 hour sun in the summer).


A bunch of camping stuff arrived in the mail so I was sorting through that. I am going to attempt to take my kids camping on my own (they will be 4 and 1 1/2 years old) in June. I think they will really like it and hopefully we won't see any bears. I haven't come across a bear with the kids but one did go in our backyard last year. The poor thing was finally shot a month or so later after he repeatedly came onto the golf course during a tournement. Their was something weird going on with bears last year and they were entering towns when that rarely happens. In the Yukon they don't like to shoot bears much and of course people aren't allowed to shoot them unless that is their job.


That is my plan for the summer really: sit outside and crochet and go camping. The socks I am making will be great for camping I think.



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