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Unique hat warmer


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I was on a hat making binge a while ago and this one turned out way too big for anyone... My son got ahold of it and has been wearing it around the house. Now this kid practically sleeps in his baseball cap so he has pulled it over his baseball cap! THe bump in the back isn't his head... he just has all his hair tucked up in the hat (it's almost waist length.) I think he looks hilarious! (He won't go out in it... he's ok with the pink inh the house but not outside.)



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I once made a gigantic hat that actually turned out to be perfect size for a round cushion cover. So it just needed a back! lol

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Does he know you put him on the internet with that?!?


Yes, he does. He actually let me take the pictures. (of course he wanted to see them first.)


He is a very cool kid. Our 4 year old is disabled and he is her self-appointed protector. I don't know how we'd get along with out him! I'm extremely lucky!


The purse idea is an interesting one... I'll have to play around with that.

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Yes, he does. He actually let me take the pictures. (of course he wanted to see them first.)


He is a very cool kid. Our 4 year old is disabled and he is her self-appointed protector. I don't know how we'd get along with out him! I'm extremely lucky!


The purse idea is an interesting one... I'll have to play around with that.


That is so AWESOME!!!!! :hug

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