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I know some of you ladies knit as well as crochet. I've been crocheting since I was a young girl (1970's) with a few haiatiuses here and there. I tried to teach myself to knit when i was a teen but didn't really take to it. Lately, for some reason, i've thought of learning to knit, just to say i know how. i don't ever see myself as a knitter though. over the weekend i found in the dollar bin of Target a "Knitting for Dummies" booklet. It has instructions for the Continental style which i hear is easier for crocheters...and then last night my pastor's wife offered to teach me to knit when i was admiring the socks she was making. So why do i feel guilty about this? is that common? my mom gave me a set of knitting needles last fall when she was cleaning out her crawl-space. mom was always a crocheter to me, but i knew she knew how to knit. she tried to show me knitting (continental) in about 10 minutes and i caught on, i think, but i think need a little more guidance. LuAnn says she knows both styles of knitting so she could show me the Continental style. so what am i worried about? The only thing i can think is that i can do just about anything in crochet barely thinking about it...i love to design and design as i go and the thought of not being able to do that (with knitting) because i don't do it well enough feels stifeling. Am i making ANY sense?!!! :think

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It sounds as if you feel like you're cheating on crochet! Think of it like this. It's just another way (and a fun way) of using yarn and needles to create different things. I knit and crochet and love both. Knitting has a lot of advantages over crochet, lower use of yarn for one, and of course crochet has it's advantages. Broaden your horizons and enjoy the challenge that comes with learning something new. You will never regret learning a new skill.

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Oh I understand, too. I'm also trying to get on the knitting bandwagon. I used Continental because it was more natural to me. I got the basic knit and purl down, I think. I would just rather have somebody teach me better.


Though with crochet, I do feel I can just zip along with the stitches. Knitting takes effort for me and it's just annoying. I want to be as good at knitting as I am at crocheting. I know it'll take practice but I want it now!

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I know how you feel. I've been "trying" to learn how to knit so I can make some of the beautiful knitted tops I've seen... And making my own socks would be a bonus as well since my DD likes to steal them all. The problem I have with knitting though is that it feels so awkward and slow but that's probably because I'm not used to it yet. But don't worry, Crocheting won't leave you just because you want to date other yarn crafts :lol


Hugs and Cookies

Auntie K

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Im with ya, though...I taught myself to knit first...with some help from my grandma...but hated it so much I tried crochet. I loved to knit, at first, I guess...but now knitting seems too different for me to ever have believed that I loved it at one point! Also, (and maybe this is selfish of me), it is too slow, and Im not very good at it, so it is alot of work. With crochet, on the other hand, I am a pretty decent crocheter...always more to learn, of course, but decent nonetheless! I think it is just a personal preference, and if you really believe you will enjoy it GO FOR IT!! You can never have too many skills in life, I think. Just my opinion...:)

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Hmmmm. Would you feel guilty about say, learning quilting, since you already crochet, harmonise? Or dressmaking? Tatting? I don't know what your answer will be but for me, the more skills I can learn the better. I started knitting (for real) about a year ago and I love it! Knitting and crochet both use yarns and threads, but they have separate strengths and weaknesses. I would never knit a huge afghan, but I do really prefer knitted sweaters over crocheted ones. Does that make me a "cheater"? Not in my book!

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I have the same guilt - I think some of it is coming from the underlying current of "crochet isn`t as good as knitting" that we sometimes feel. This is reinforced by the lack of crochet patterns from the "good" yarn companies - not that there is anything wrong with Red Heart SS, but it's hard to wear a sweater made out of it, y'know?


So, when we start learning to knit, it feels like we are agreeing - crochet isn`t as good, otherwise why would we have to learn to knit?

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I think I agree with Tiga. I think that often crocheters don't want to learn (or don't want to admit to knowing) how to knit b/c there is that steryotype that knitting is "better" than crochet and by knitting we are somehow "selling out" to popular culture. Big flippin' deal. I like both. You can like both. It's all cool! lol

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