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Do you have a wheelchair at home? Or a walker?

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I have bought some wonderful wool sweaters from the thrift store, and I just can't POSSIBLY use all of them on myself! (I don't wear wool, only bags)


So, I was thinking that I could make some felted wheelchair totes to donate to my local hospitals. They'd be nice and sturdy!


But what I would like is to get a bunch of measurements from different wheelchairs, because I would like to "design" these myself. Would you please:


1. Tell me the age of the user of the chair (so I know which hospital to send which ones to) or the "size" of the chair (do they come in different youth sizes? or adult sizes? LIke S, M, L, XL?)


2. Measure from handle to handle across


3. Measure from the handle to the top of the wheel. (for clearance)


Also, if you have ANY suggestions as to what you or the user of the wheelchair would find helpful in a wheelchair tote, I'd love to hear.


If you have a walker - please measure the width from arm to arm (handle to handle).



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Don't forget kids use wheelchairs, too! I'll ask some of my friends for measurements, if you like.


If you have a Shriner's locally, they might love to have something fun to give the kids when they get their first chair. It's a tough day, usually. A nifty tote bag to go with them might take some of the angst away.

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Krystal, my 12 y.o. dd (Syrina) uses a wheelchair sometimes. Yes, they do come in youth sizes.


Hubby's in bed right now, but tomorrow I'll ask him to dig out his tape measure and I'll happily do some measurements for you. Due to the time difference, it'll probably be here waiting for you before you ever log on! :lol


The one thing I can think of as to suggestions is that if it's for a child, who may be in diapers still, you might want to make it roughly the same size as a diaper bag so that they can fit the diapers and wipes and what-not that they might need if they're out for a long time. I know that I need to find a bag suitable for that very reason. I've only had Syrina out for more than an hour or so in the chair once, and even then we'd stopped in the house a couple of times, so I was able to change her then. If I'd had to bring stuff with me, I have no idea what I would have used to carry the stuff.

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I dont know if it is the same in the states, but wheelchairs come in a lot of shapes and sizes. My husband is in a wheelchair, and a lot of his friends are as well, and I can honestly say that I dont think 2 wheelchairs are the same. Different disabilities need different types of chairs! There is a huge combination of widths and lengths of chairs.


i think you'd be better off making a huge range of sizes, from small to XL and different lengths then sending them on.


Good on you for making them though, i know they are sorely needed.


Belinda xoxo

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Walkers don't vary as much in size as wheelchairs do. Usually for walkers, there is a pediatric size, and adult, and a large adult size. You should be able to find approximate sizes if you do a search for either the walkers or for walker bags. That's what I did when I made some bags for walkers to donate to nursing homes. SO MANY of the folks there do NOT have anything to carry small items in, not even a place for a tissue! Walker bags are very expensive too, so what you are doing is PRICELESS!!


Wheelchairs come in many sizes because they are fitted for each person, but you should be able to make a bag that would fit all chairs if you make the straps adjustable by ties or velcro or adjustable snaps. You should be able to find sizes by searching for wheelchair bags or totes. Another good place for a bag would be on the arm too, so the occupant could easily reach needed items. Again, you'd need to make sure the bag would clear the wheel, so not too long of a bag, but it could be as wide as the arm, about 14" or so.


Good luck to you!

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Well, I guess by posting here I was trying to get a "range" so that when I donated them, they would be useful. I didn't want to make something too long, too wide, not wide enough, etc. So any measurements would be helpful.


With the arm caddy - would it go on the inside or outside? Trying to envision it...

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The wheelchair my son and most of the patients in brain trauma rehab use are literally custom made. The chairs are put together for each patients specific needs. My son, who is minimally conscious uses one with a high back and headrest to support him. Some patients use lightweight chairs they can propel by foot. One lady has a power chair that even includes reflector lights.

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Krystal I used to work in a wheel chair related field. Most of the suppliers have the chair dimensions in their catelogues on the web.

This is one, but there are others.



Average adult seat is a 18inch width. The bags need not be too big or there is a tendancy to overfill which can destabilise the chair. This is a great idea of yours!

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Well, DUH! I should have thought of that! :rofl


Great! This is helpful. I think if I make the tote narrower than the seat width, it looks like the length won't matter, as it wouldn't hit the wheels at all then.


And since these things are so variable, they should still find someone who is able to use it if my felting doesn't go so well and it doesn't shrink the way I had expected it.


SUZI - I I made one that was more box-like, with a flat bottom and flat sides but had a foldover flap, would that be more like you're looking for? And then I could have the straps come out of the back of it? I was thinking of just making loops that weren't adjustable - that way they would be more durable... If I made them like 10" but folded in half, then it would give some leeway as to what kind of chair it would fit? Does this sound like it would work on a chair?


Anyone else have any ideas?

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Krystal, the idea of making the handles adjustable is an awesome one - maybe use buttons or snaps if velcro gets too snaggy?

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Well, my friends often use backpacks slung over the handles, so maybe doing the straps backpack style would work out well?


I like the idea of a boxy style, too.

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This arm caddy is for a powerchair (no wheels) http://www.allegromedical.com/wheelchair-accessories-c545/scooter-arm-tote-carryon-p189578.html and there is another one that is accessible from the inside of the chair in a box to the left.


Looks like most of the slip-over-the-handles bags that hang in back are about 13" wide and about 15" long.


There are links for patterns if you search/also you can get many different ideas through a search.


Oh, as for the walker--make sure those aren't too big as the older folks will try to overfill them and then the walker will certainly tip over.

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Thanks for that link for the armchair caddy! I like that idea. I even have the hardware from a backpack that I could use for that. (I save those kind of things - I cut the zippers out of pants and bags that are ready to be thrown out, as well as any buttons, clips or hardware)


That's a good idea about the walker caddies not being too big - yes, my grandma would go prepared for WWIII if you let her! HEr purse was a threat to mankind!

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