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new Crochet Pattern Central feature


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Here’s a new feature some of you might be interested in:




Bookmark it (using the instructions provided). You can now go to the bookmark and instantly search for any pattern on CPC.


(By the way, everybody’s welcome to shorten Crochet Pattern Central down to CPC if they want. It’s easier to type in. :bounce )


Let’s say that you remember one of Dot’s hats (:clap yay for Dot's creations! :wink ) is called “Very Berry†and you want to go look at it, but you can’t remember the URL to her blog, or something similar to that. Just click on the bookmarked page, type in “Very Berryâ€, click on the result, and voila…you’re at the pattern!


Happy pattern searching!




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:wow Wow! Tell the *techies* congrats on a fabulous feature! Way to go Rachel! :wave I'm so thankful for your site! :)h

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