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Now why didn't I think of that...........

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Today was my daughters Valentines Party at her school (was suppose to be this past Wed. but because of the 14" of snow that got dumped on us she has had snow days all this week except for today). Well I, being a Room Mom, got to help out in the class setting up snacks and whatever.


Onto the point..........................


This one little girl had the CUTEST poncho on that was white and then about 1/4 the way up were red hearts (it was a knitted poncho) going along the whole bottom of the poncho. Then it had red and white fringe, and it looked ADORABLE on her. I asked her :blush if her Mommy made it for her and she said "No, my Grandma made it for me".


Now Im sitting here trying to figure out a pattern for it. The poncho part is pretty easy for me but how would you work the hearts into it?


Below is an illustration I drew up in Paint. Ok so my skills arent that good but you get the basic idea.heartponcho.jpg

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You can make the poncho one of two ways, grannies and then edge it with hearts or solid crochet and again edge it with hearts.

This is a good pattern for either:




Or this one, you might have to leave off some rounds though to make it a better size:




Here's another one:




You can also choose just hearts and connect them along the bottom in a way that's easy for you.




It really should be hard if you think about it a bit. :)

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WOW! thanx everyone! I knew I could count on you 'viller's to help me out!:hug Thank you also to Empress Busy Bee for the links this one is exactly what I'm looking for. http://hometown.aol.com/lffunt/chcoaster.htm


I think that the applique would be the easiet for me as I have never worked with charts. I can do a blanket stitch like you would not believe.


I found a cool easy technique a while ago on how to make a poncho for a child. You just make a long wide rectangle that would fit around them and then match the end to the side of the of the other part. (Does that make sense? I'm terrible at explaining things and dont want to embarrass myself again with my Paint capabilites :lol ) Then just either slip stitch or invisible sew the two together.


Thank you once again everyone for your help.

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