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Best mail day ever!

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Ok, so there were a couple bills, but hey it's that time of month.


BUt goodness, as in my other post I received squares from pineknott.


A BEAUTIFUL letter from my grandmother. She actually talked to me about her mother (who i was named after). And she told me all about her current projects, she's a knitter, but hey she talked to me about it! I LOVE getting letters from my grandmother, she has beautiful handwriting, and she's just great!


Also I received from my Aunt Mary some more yarn. She gets the coolest yarns at her Dollar Tree and sends them up to me. She sent me 12 skeins of Lion Brand Fancy Fur. 4 in Party Pink and 8 in Chocolate Sprinkles! How great is that??? I'm going to be whipping these into hats and scarves for the charity blitz!! Right after I dock my stash busting score :rofl


What a great surprise at the mail box!

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Wow!! I would call that a banner mail day! I wish I had mail days like that, but all I ever get are bills. *sigh* Enjoy your yarn and other goodies. I love getting letters from my Gram too, only these days her beautiful hand writing is very hard to read, her hand shakes so much. She hates the way it looks so she doesn't write much any more :( (She did just turn 84 on Groundhog's Day so I can't complain... I'm just sooo happy to have her.) I do make sure to call her as often as I can. That reminds me, I'd better call her this weekend...

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I've never had a mail day like that. I keep hinting to my kids and hubby that all they have to do is get me yarn and I will be happy. Hubby says there is no more room in the truck for yarn. I have to agree with being gone 4-6 weeks at a time.


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Oooh, I never thought to check the dollar stores for yarn, and we have a Dollar Tree right in town! :cheer I'm going to head there on my day off to see if they have any yarns there! Y'know, now I feel like a complete imbecile for not even considering them as a yarn source!


Congrats on your great mail day! :)



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I had a good mail day on Tuesday night! I got a ROAK from a lovely person here on the board. I got a skein of cotton tots in pastel green and 3 star shaped dishcloths. I'm sure she has no idea how she made my day! LOL. I love getting mail too!

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