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Turning Skeins into Balls of Yarn

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:2blush I used to roll everything into balls until............. I went on a 35 hour bus trip. I took my bag of yarn and was happily crocheting when the bus driver stopped very quickly, my bag fell off of the seat, andl all of these balls of yarn went rolling all over the bus. Have you every tried to chase balls of yarn on a moving bus? It ain't pretty!!! :laughroll
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my grandmother always told me that balling the yarn would effect it's integrity. So, I used to never ball my yarn. Then I found a site that shows how to make pull from center balls, so now I make my scraps into balls, generally use pull skeins. But I only make balls out of skeins that are more than 50% used.

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I always pull my yarn from the center. One time when my god daughter was over my house and I pulled the yarn from the middle a whole bunch came out and my god daughter said to me, "Momma Dee you killed the yarn" too hilarious the funny things children say. I laughed for a long time on that.

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I always work from the pull skein, it bothers me when the balls of yarn roll all over the place because I have cats, and it's difficult enough to crochet with them around without having them chasing the yarn balls! :lol


I think that the reason I work from the pull skeins instead of rolling, though, is because of something that my Mom told me many years ago, and since she has been gone for 20 years, I can't ask her where she heard it from. But she was always of the opinion that when you roll yarn into a ball, it loses its body from being stretched around the ball if wound too tightly. For that reason, when I wind it, I always keep a couple of fingers between the yarn being wound and the rest of the ball. I have bought yarn in lots on ebay and have seen examples of what I think she was talking about. Some of them have been wound so tightly and the balls of yarn were so hard, it you ever threw one at anyone and hit them in the head, you'd kill 'em! There's absolutely no give to the yarn as the ball unrolls, and IMO it does make a difference in how the finished product looks.


Since my mother's advice is, apparently, permanently embedded in my brain, I prefer to use the pull skeins, as long as they work correctly. :)



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i turn everything i have into a ball of yarn... i tihnk every skein of yarn ive ever had has been turned into a ball except for one that im just crocheting right off the skein. it's mostly habit but i like balls as opposed to skeins because i have a better sense of how much yarn i have left.

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