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Hi guys

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Not so much an alternative crochet post, more of a "hey havent been around in a while" post. Its been busy for me. Working full time again, which slows the whole crochet thing down. Not to mention I have been...eh-hem...knitting lately. Yeah I know I am a trader. but I will be trying to make it back on here more often.

Missed you guys


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*gasp* Shame on you! You traitor!




Just kidding!!


Seriously, though, I can relate to the whole "life getting in the way" thing. I put my computer away in July and didn't even TOUCH it for almost 2 months... then when I DID, it went berserk on me and I had to wait for Hubby to get the gumption to fix it... so it ended up being almost 6 months before I managed to get back to the lovely people here at the 'ville.


:hug :hug to ya... and "welcome back" so to speak. :hook

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Welcome back...


I knit as well? I didn't realise that was a bad thing? We should be proud that we're skilled in both crafts! I know some knitters that think crocheting is no good, but I've never met a crocheter that frowned on knitting. I guess we're more open-minded!

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Welcome back...


I knit as well? I didn't realise that was a bad thing? We should be proud that we're skilled in both crafts! I know some knitters that think crocheting is no good, but I've never met a crocheter that frowned on knitting. I guess we're more open-minded!

And THAT is why crocheting's better! :lol Or is it that crochetERS are better? :think:lol

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