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I have 2 very helpful cats,cat.gifcat.gifthey seem to think my balls of thread are fair game. If I leave them sitting on my desk I run the risk of not having a ball of thread when I return. So I have shelf above my work area that I set my work on when I am not working on it.

I put my one doily up on the shelf the other day while I was working on another project. I was very comfortably sitting here working, sipping coffee, reading posts when I needed a break. In general enjoying myself.

Well I need a couple small safety pins which I keep in a small dish up on my shelf. ( It does get to be a regular catchall. ) I reached up to get my pins and knocked my ball of thread off. Now that is no biggie, you can't really hurt thread by dropping it. Right? That is unless you drop it right into your cup of coffee.Symbols_0521.gif Ker-Plunk. That's right it went right into my cup. The odds of hitting that small target.df.gif Well, that's my luck. I took one look at the poor soggy coffee colored thread and went snip. I didn't even try and salvage the poor little ball of thread. bw.gifI am just thankful it was about 3/4's of the way used up. So I trully didn't loose much.

Now I get real nervous when I put my coffee in it's normal spot and I need to reach up to get something on that shelf. In fact I find myself picking up the cup of coffee and moving it out of harms way before I reach to far back onto the shelf. coffee.gif

So for once it wasn't the cat's fault. Just me being a Klutz scared.gif

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Maybe you should get yourself a sippy cup for your coffee when you're working at your desk.


:rofl JUST KIDDING!!!!


Seriously, though... maybe one of those travel mugs with a lid would be a good idea? That way even if you happen to knock it over or something, you'll only spill a few drops.


Just a thought. :idea

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Okay, that cracks me up :rofl I hate when that happens. Glad you didn't lose to much thread. I am the queen klutz around my house. I am always tripping over air, stubbing my toe, and I think my feet purposely steer me right into other people. I have been banned from :pizza and :soda in every room in the house. I save those plastic water bottles to put my drinks in, because they have lids, but for some reason I still spill them.:oops

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Kathy, that is exactly why I use a travel mug for my coffee. Too many times with regular mugs I either spilled it or dropped my yarn or thread in it. My DH said you really need the travel mug in here so he bought me one.

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