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Rotten weather to crochet

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:angry:hot:sun Well, it's flaming hot in Sydney Australia today! It's been 41 degree's celcius (106 farenheit).


Even in the air conditioning it's still over 30. Far too hot for me to even contemplate working on any of my yarn projects...Normally, even on a hot day I'll sit happily and crochet my afghans....


It was too much today though, so I pulled out some Twilley's No20 thread and a 1.5mm hook and began a doily from Mary Werst's Pineapple Doilies Book Two.


It's been a challenge! I did make a thread little bag a while ago, but the doily is proving to be fiddly...and in fact, is really hurting my wrist to work on.


What does everyone else do when it's too hot to work on the projects you want to?

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I live in Florida, and learnt to crochet last summer, and I worked on squares for a blanket and on thread stuff.


Maybe you can put a pencil grip over the steel hook and that will help your hand feel better?


Or, dump the thread and the hook, strip down to your skivvies and drink an icy drink and think of cold?


Remove the veggies from the bin in the fridge and climb in?


Buy a plane ticket to Canada?




I hope it cools off for you soon. I have two friends that live in Oz, and they have kids that use wheelchairs, and they are all just miserable. Wheelchairs with VINYL seats, I might add. Can you imagine the sticking and sweatiness? Ugh.

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I can't imagine what those kids must be going through in this heat if they're anywhere near where I am.


I've had a cool bath and feel much better. Hopefully the heat will bring a storm, which should bring the heat down a bit.

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Wow, 106 degrees.... yea i wouldn't even be dealing with thread. Then again, I have a hard time when it breeches 90, I hate hot, I LOVE WINTER!!


When it's too hot to crochet the items I want to make, I like you find something smaller and "settle" with working on that. I tend to spend my summers working on smaller Christmas items, like snowflakes and stuffies, and bookmarks. But there are days when even the thought of dealing with thread is just too much, and I'll sometimes go a couple of weeks in the heat of summer without touching my hooks.

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WOW 106! I definitely would not be working on any afghans or large projects. Cotton crochet, doilies, something small would be the ticket for me.


Actually, I would probably be finding a nice pool to jump into to.

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Ah I feel your heat. We are going up to the 70's today, but in the summer with the humidity we get that hot.

I only work in thread when it is that hot, but sometimes it is even to hot for that.

Wow, Hey, try some ice in a zip lock baggie on the back of the neck, or even a cool wash cloth on the neck to keep the heat down. Works for me sometimes.

Try and stay cool and crochet in you mind till the heat passes.:lol

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Okay, for all of you that don't like the hot weather that you are going through, will you please trade places with me? I will gladly give up the sub-zero weather!

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