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Ethical yarn questions

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Okay, I got roak'ed and given tons of skeins of scrap yarn, at my request, for comfortghans for my friend's kids. I wound up not being able to get them done by Christmas, but our little group of friends is going to have a Christmas in May gift swap, so they'll go out then.


The thing is, I have waaay more yarn than I'll be able to put into three twin size blankets.


I used some of it to make the daisy charity square to send to the designer.


Is is ethically okay for me to use the yarn for other purposes? I don't remember who gave me what, so I can't really send it back. It was all scrap/leftover stuff, for the most part. I did get 6 or 7 skeins of a nice, white yarn that I think will get too dirty in a floor afghan, so I might make something for someone to wear out of that.


But, everything I make out of the yarn, I promise to give away. Is that okay, then?


Or should I roak the yarn to other people?

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I think that's fine. I think people realize (or they certainly should) that you could possibly get more yarn gifted than you can use, or some yarns that aren't just right for the project at hand. Use them happily for some other good causes.

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I think you should search the world over to find out who sent you the last little inch of yarn and return it. JUST KIDDING!!!!!

I believe you should use it for projects that work for the yarn given, and you should feel free to use it at your discretion on ideas for others. I think most of us are all givers, so I do not think people will be upset if you do something else with it than the original plan. Be sure to show pics though, cause we all want to see!

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If you make what you promised to, you should be able to use the rest of the yarn for anything you like, including things you'd keep.


I'd only think it's wrong if you didn't do all the planned items first.

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Thanks guys.


I've actually really been worrying about this. Most of the yarn and squares I got are ones that I'll be able to use in the comfortghan project, but some was just not going to work - like the super bulky fisherman wool! But I can make some hats out of it, for sure.


Thanks for the advice, seriously. I know it seems like a silly question, but I'd hate for people to think that I was just trying to get a stash to make stuff for myself.

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I think it would be ok if you used the leftover yarn for other charity purposes or for yourself like others who have already posted. It might be a good idea to post pictures of all the ghans after you finish them and have someway to show that they are the full size you intended them to be. That way people who donated understand that you did in fact complete them and still had yarn leftover and were not just trying to add to your stash.

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Oh, I'm totally going to post pictures, lol! I love getting compliments from everyone here <grin>.


I've been posting pictures all along in my comfortghan thread - of yarn and squares received, and of some squares I've made with the yarn. I just didn't take alot of crochet pictures over the holidays, y'know?

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