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Need advice on a project

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I bought this chest/basket and want to use it as part of a gift. My niece is 8 and for her 9th birthday later this year, I'm giving her a sewing kit. I'm also wanting to give her this basket for her to use to store her supplies in. Okay, now to the advice needed.... I would like to line it in crochet. My first thought is to make rectangles for the bottom and long sides and squares for the other two sides. Then whip stitch it together.


How would you do it? It's like lining a purse except it's a basket. How would I attach it to the basket? Leave ties for the back???

Any advice would be appreciated...greatly!

I haven't done very many purses.


For more info., I'm going to spray paint this bright purple (her favorite color). Then the crochet liner will be inside and I'll add pockets also to the liner.

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Crochet the lining however you want it, and then tie it on with colored ribbon...or crocheted/knitted cord...


You can probably use a small crochet hook to pull the ribbon/cord thru the bits of basket. If you use ribbon, get a little more than you need, just in case it frays and you need to trim it after tying it on. And to keep ribbon from fraying, put some Fray Check on the fray-able bits of ribbon.

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ok I have been thinking about this for a bit..

what if you make a rectangle (or square whatever it is.)


then make 4 side panels but not connect them





like when you make a paper box KWIM.

then sew the sied together then at the beg dc around the peice then add a ribbin in there and weave it thru the basket.

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My first question is, does the basket have any loosely woven pieces that coud catch and pull the crochet lining? If so, I would highly suggest putting a fabric liner between it and the crocheted. You wouldn't want your beautiful work to get snagged. I would say you have 2 options as far as the lining goes. If you want to be sure that the corners are always "crisp" and box like, I would use the lining it with 5 separate pieces and not connecting them to eachother only to the corresponding side on the basket. If you're not so much worried about that, you could make the liner all one piece. And I think the others idea of attaching it with ribbon or something like that sounds cute! Good luck, and can't wait to see what you decide and how it turns out!

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Can't go by me but since it is a sewing kit, I would use fabric. She will have to deal with slipped pins and needles and such and fabric would simplify that part of it.


Aside from the fact that this is Crochetville, why do you want crochet included?

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Can't go by me but since it is a sewing kit, I would use fabric. She will have to deal with slipped pins and needles and such and fabric would simplify that part of it.


Aside from the fact that this is Crochetville, why do you want crochet included?


Because I'm also putting in plastic canvas, beginning crochet things, beads and many more craft items. I have a plastic bag with sewing stuff that will go in it too.


So maybe I should call it a craft basket. Yep, that makes more sense.


And I wasn't going to do a fabric lining because I would rather work with yarn.


Oh and I have plastic organizers going in it too. To hold needles and thimble and buttons and beads etc.

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