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Ok, I know I have been scarce around here for the last few weeks. Going on a family vacation, work, holidays and family issues have made it that way.


But now I am ready to get going again, be a part of the 'Ville, and DANG if this board is moving WAY MORE FAST than it used to! Is it just me? I can't seem to really catchup.


If I am not on here for a few hours, there are like 7 pages of new posts to catch up on ... I can't read that fast!


Did we have a huge influx of visitors??? If so, how cool is that???


I'm just sayin.......



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I know what you mean, KnicKnac - With one thing or another I haven't been able to spend much time here either lately and now, for the life of me, I can't keep up!

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Every single time I log on here I am AMAZED to see just how many new "introduce yourself" posts there are.

My hubby is active on a very busy motorcycle board, and it's NOTHING compared to the Ville!

Crochet Rules!!!

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KnicKnac, welcome back! I too know how you feel. I was burned out over the Holidays and then the flu bug hit. I'm still trying to catch up...but it looks like I'll never catch up. I'm itching to get my hooks warmed up and my yarn a buzzing through my fingers. Yes, there are a plithora of posts to read.....I wonder if I will ever get caught up too. You are not alone!

Best of wishes to you!


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