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Boullion Stitch

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Wow, what a fun stitch (Once you get the feel for it and do it right)


I am making a little bag http://webpages.charter.net/basheera/cellcase1.html



I thought I was going to spit nails - I could not get that stitch to work right..then all of a sudden I figured it out.


Now I want to try out other new stitches!!!


What new stitches have you mastered lately??




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I'm trying my best to learn how to do the tunisian cable stitch but it completely eludes me on how to get it done right. I've followed the guides I see online but it seems my fingers turn to all thumbs as I attempt it. I just know that once I get the hang of it, I'm going to wonder what was so hard about it.


Although my favorite stitch is the Popcorn Stitch. For some reason, I just have a lot of fun making popcorn stitches.


Hugs and Cookies

Auntie K

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This gives me hope that someday I can figure out that bullion stitch...although I think I had bad instructions before. Do you yarn over, then take a loop up through the stitch, and then yo and pull through the loops on the hook? I had intructions that told you to yarn over 5 times, then yarn over again without going through the stitch, and pull the loop through everything on the hook, then attach it to the next stitch...


For the life of me I couldnt' figure out how to pull loose yarn through loops on a hook...it just all unravelled!

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I am going to attempt the tunisian one day......wish me luck!



Phoenix.....that is what happened to me. But it finally hit me...I kept them loose. Not REALLY loose, but didn't pull them. Then after yarning over 10 times, put my thumb and middle finger on either side of the bunch and gingerly slide them off the hook. and they just come off like magic. Sorta hve to do a little twisty turny on with the hook...and keep a good hold on it to do your chain 1 to close it.

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After all these years of crocheting (more than 40!:eek ) I finally learned to do FPdcs and BPdcs! Now I love doing them! I like the texture they give to pieces!!! Honestly, I am ALWAYS on the look out to learn a new stitch or technique!!

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Wow... grats on the boullion stitch... I have tried it a couple of times, and failed miserably, ROFL. I got a round hook to try again one day, when I get brave enough....


My next maneuver will be a Solomon knot, once I get caught up on a few things. :hook

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