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Nothing going my way, continued...

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Oh my, I tell you all!! Okay, I AM feeling better :clap ..I can be counted amongst the living now :hook , so, yesterday I set out to Hobby Lobby to get my Sinfonia yarn for my WONDERFUL Garden Trellis Shawl pattern that I was RAOK'd, I looked at my hooks FIRST to see that I had a F hook, sure enough, I did. Well, I got the yarn, in an off white, and come home to start it up, I am ready FULL BLAST, and wouldn't you know it, my F hook has a SNAG on it, it has a rough spot that catches the yarn EVERY stitch...:blush ...so this morning, I am going into my husbands work area, to see if I can find a piece of sandpaper to work on my hook, IF that doesn't work, I am not sure about it, with it being an aluminum hook, it SHOULD work... okay if it doesn't I am off to work early to go to the LYS to get a NEW F hook.... I tell you, talk about frustrating!! The hook has like a metal sliver...urghhhh... it can't go anywhere but up from here, right????? :think

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I think I caught your cold. As for the hook, I hope you can fix it but that's no reason not to stop by your LYS to pick up a few more :D


I was always told it's not a good idea to sandpaper a hook because it could alter the size but I think if you're very careful it shouldn't be a problem. Hopefully, everything will go upwards for you now.


Hugs and Cookies

Auntie K

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Ouchie! I never would have thought that a hook could have a snag in it! Poor yarn...


I agree- you should pick up some more hooks no matter what. Just in case, ya know? :)

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I have had that problem with a hook having a snag in it, I took a nail file on the soft side and filed very gently, it seemed to have worked, IMHO


Glad to hear that you are feeling better!`


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I think I caught your cold too LOL!! Glad to hear you're feeling better though!!


Know what I think it is??? The Yarn Gods are trying to get you to go the the LYS and shop!!! Don't fight it!!! :lol



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Oh Jessie and Auntie K, I sure hope I didn't give you that terrible terrible cold!! Please do take care, it is a tough one for real. NOW after the antibiotics for the pnemonia, and bronchitis, I have THRUSH, yeppers, thats right, THRUSH, so now I feel like my tounge is on fire, my left eye keeps twitching, so, the doc put me on a NEW antibiotic for that...I tell you , my coworker told me tonight I have to get better before I could even DIE!! She is a HOOT.

Well, the sandpaper didn't do the trick for me, not that I tried TOO hard, so off to the LYS I went, gotta have a new hook, right??

:D SO there I am, looking and looking, oh the options, I could get JUST the ONE hook I need, but then look at all them there wanting to have a home, oh, but there is something better, a Boye "I Taught Myself To Chrochet" kit, now, that is $9.99, BUT with that, you get 6 hooks, 2 yarn needles, plastic stitch markers, and little bobbins to put thread around I suppose...well hot diggity dog, that WAS the best price for wanting a "F" hook right?:hook not even wanting a "F" hook, but NEEDING it...

I even got to work on the Garden Trellis Shawl a DAB at work tonight, and LOVE and I do mean LOVE the feel of this sinfonia yarn.....however, this pattern is one that will cause me to have to concentrate, not something that comes easily to me....:think ...but I will work away on it, and keep you all in the loop of my progress...


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glad you are feeling better.......we have 2 more days until my son gets married! then the will be peace and quiet around here. it hasnt been too bad this time (my daughter got married thanksgiving weekend) i havent had much to do but i still feel stressed


I havent had the problem of a snagged hook, but we went out yesterday and it way longer than expected and it was sitting in the car and i didnt have any hook or yarn with me! frustration!

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I got that same kit for my 12yr old DD to help me teach her how to crochet. She made me a great yellow thingy-ma-doodle on her first attempt. It has giant holes in it and so many uses like a doll hat, a slipper for one foot (surprisingly warm in spite of the mega holes), holding a bunch of soaps together. After that, she tried to follow a pattern which resulted in a very lopsided scarf. She complained about how the hook felt uncomfortable and I found it was because she was trying to follow the book to the letter. I told her just to find a way to hold the hook that is comfortable for her. I think she was disappointed when I swipped the afghan hook to practice tunisen(sp?) stitches.


I'm hoping to feel better soon too. My DH keeps threatening to buy only Buckley's if I don't get better soon. I love him dearly but I'd have to kill him if he tried to force me to take that. Can't wait to see your shawl when it's done JoAnn.


Hugs and Cookies

Auntie K

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Oh SHerri, a WEDDING!! You must be busy!! Wow, good luck for all:hug

Auntie K, well that kit was cheep considering everything you got, didn't you think? Oh I didn't even LOOK at the book, I can't allow myself to look at ANYTHING else right now :hook I believe I will get the hang of this stitch for the shawl, I can tell you it will be the softest, smothest thing I have ever made, I LOVE this yarn, now I may have to consider spending more on yarns after the feel of this :eek . BUT the upside is I am not spending money on Cigarettes...so that is extra money, in MY book :hook .

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You can do it JoAnn :cheer And I love that little kit considering all that came in it. The book has some lovely beginner patterns in it. I can't resist looking at anything with a pattern. I might try some of the garments once things calm down around here.


Scc, hope everything goes well tomorrow. Perhaps a nice cup of green tea or chammomile tea would help with the stress. I always find it helps to slip away to the quietest room in the house with a cup of tea when I start to feel frazzled.


Hugs and cookies

Auntie K

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auntie, thanks. today is going well so far. my son's tux is too big so he is off to get the fixed....groom cant have that! my daughter (angel that she is haha) seems to be in a good mood so far...that is my biggest concern.


joann...keep up the good work and keep feeling better....i tried using thread last night to make a book mark and it was ok....i think it will take some practice! have a great weekend!

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Why Auntie K, you MUST read my mind, you know, I JUST this week picked up drinking hot tea!! And I must say I have a NEW habbit, a good one too. I bought some Celestial Seasonings, a box with different flavors in it, and a box of lemon zest flavored....yummy, i DO like hot tea, it is amazing how you can TASTE now after not smoking, well, and the clearing of the thrush also. I feel as if I have a new tounge!! SCC, Sherry, I hope the wedding went off with out a hitch for you, and you will soon be back to "normal" and be able to relax.

I will take a pic here tommorow of my Progress on the garden Trellis, it is SLOW going for me, but OHHHHHHHHHH is this LOVELY...

Have a great sat night friends!

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Celestial Seasonings makes wonderful herbal teas. I've been using the Chammomile with Honey to help me feel better at night. Twinnings Of London also have a nice variety, I'm crazy about their Green Tea with a hint of Jasmine in it.


SCC, how'd the wedding go? Where are they going for the honeymoon? Can we see pictures? I hope everything went smoothly for the bride and groom and I'm sure they looked beautiful.


Hugs and Cookies

Auntie K

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Thanks for asking about the wedding it went without a hitch! had a good time. christopher and liz are going to the mexican rivera! oh my! they just stopped by to pick up the rest of their things to take off. i will try to post a picture or 2.


Guess what i am a tea drinker too! my personal favorite is constant comet.


thanks for all the thoughts, it is really nice to know someone is thinking of you!


joann.....hope you are still doing well, and back to normal.

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Hi JoAnn!! I'm finally back on my feet...first day I don't feel slightly off in the head (okay, not any more off than I usually am LOL!!)....but, honey...thrush?? I thought only babies or kids drinking their milk from bottles could get thrush??:think Are you feeling better now??


Yes, the differences after smoking are amazing...me, I quit as soon as I thought I might be preggers the first time...at the end of the month it will be 7 years for me...and so the newly improved nose paired up with the horomons and turned me into a freaking bloodhound...every new scent kicked me into the morning sickness YUCK!!! But it was the best time I could have quit, cause I just knew I couldn't hurt the baby that way...and by the time she was born, all the worst cravings were done with....I'm so proud of you for quitting!!! Good job hon!!


Enjoy your pattern...personnally, I think you were brilliant to get such a good deal on the hook by getting the kit...and you get all sorts of cool do-hickies when you get the kits!! I'd never used a yarn bobbin until I got the Taught Myself to Knit kit LOL!! See, once you bought something extra, the Yarn Gods were appeased and let you actually work on your shawl hehehe!!



scc...glad to hear the wedding went well!! Do you have any more to marry off or you all done?? ;) My aunt just went thru the insanity of her only daughter getting married over the summer and she just kept saying how happy she is that her other two kids are boys cause they won't be as much trouble when they get married LOL!!


I'm off to figure out what I'm working on next....



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i, too, have had hooks/nicks in aluminum crochet hooks, especially when my boys used to use them for things other than what they were intended for. I always would eliminate the rough area with a nail file, very carefully, and it always seemed to work. I do have duplicates of nearly all of my aluminum and steel hooks, just to be safe.


Good luck.

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