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Blue Star Afghan CAL


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The half granny's are attached with the last row of the dark color. topof cluster attaches every fourth sc on the16 granny blocks/ with the cluster on the bottom attaching to the half granny in the 1 ch sp. You can do it with doubling the pattern row and making a square. something like this

chain 4

row 1 chain 3 , 2 dc, ch2, cl, ch2, cl, ch2, cl, ch2 and sl st into top of 3 chain.

row2 chain 3, 2 dc, ch 2 cl in 2 ch sp, ch 1 cl in 1 ch sp, cl ch2 cl in 2 ch sp around

row 3 would be ch3 2 dc ch2 cl in 2ch sp, then ch1, [cl,ch1] 2 times cl ch2 cl in 2 ch sp around.

row 4 same as above on cl ch1 3times between cl ch2 cl points.


That sound about right to you. Okay I am looking at a finished half granny and trying to read it as a whole would work.

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Thanks, Tracey - I just went and looked at my pattern closely, and see where it joins in. That shouldn't be a problem!


I'm now making my 16 9-patches. I'm working assembly line style, see how that goes. At least this way I have the best chance of finishing off a skein for my stashbusting game! LOL! I will make all my 9-patches before progressing. I figure I'll probably have to get to the point where my half now-whole grannies are joined and then it's all edged before I can continue to figure out stitch and row counts. The thing I will need to figure out is how many rows of the light blue border to do around the "big" star so that I have enough stitches to make the whole thing square when doing my corner border and the outer 9-patches. Does this make sense? I know it *can* be done, I will just need to put it on paper, I think. I'll reverse-engineer the thing!


I sure hope this turns out as cute as the picture!

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I scanned the picture into my computer, then just played with cutting and pasting, lines and squares to make it look that way. I made it a whole granny because I wanted the whole afghan bigger, and I needed a "point" where the half granny was. I tried another 9-patch, and it just didn't look right. So I tried making the half-granny a whole one, and it looked good to me!


The way I have designed it, the top of the afghan fits on my king sized bed, and the dark blue is overhang. I am ON MY WAY!!! I will surely be on this CAL forever!



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Nothing on the Blue Star...but am hoping to finish a pink lapghan by this weekend, before I start assembling squares for a lapghan that will be donated to a rehab hospital. I'll try and post pics anyway - we don't want to slide farther down on the CAL list - do we:eek !?

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I have been working away at the outer border before the last 4 9 patches. I got the first 7 rows done all the way around, and have started on the final 4 rows on one corner. It took some playing with for it to work right for me even with the corrections posted on the first page. It has been gathered in my lap and I haven't spread it out to take a look.

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I am finished with 4 of my 16 9-patches. Boy, they are slow....


Tracey - is the pattern wrong or just confusing? (aside from the corrections)


Everyone was home today thanks to the snow, so my regular schedule didn't exist. Tomorrow might be a little better, but a lot of stuff to catch up on.. Don't know how much I'll get done. :(

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It's not hard really, but where it has to attach to the block is what is giving be trouble. With color B ( my burgundy ) you start 2 sc before the wedge, then when you come back to that edge, you sc 2 sc above the connection to the block, I then slip stitch up 2 sc chain 1 and start the clusters ch1 across to the point. It is going up the side of the block at an angle that has been the hard part. I just spread the blanket on the kitchen floor to take a look. I only edged three sides, not four, and one of the edges will need to be redone. it is small on the ends were it connects to the blocks, but I didn't read the corrections and did the pattern straight out of the book.The second edge I did with the corrections posted here, but still wasn't too happy , the third I created my own corrections with my star. From the finished pictures available, I see that the B color needs to be 4 rows and should reach to the first square on the 9 patch, then the MC color of 3 rows goes up about 3/4 of the way up the second square, then the C color finishes with 2 rows and attaches the 9 patches with the third row. That ain't gonna happen. I have 3 rows of C on now, and the 9 patch will not square it up yet. I think I can attach at this point, but not tonight. It's late and I am exhausted.


Goodnight everyone.

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Im glad I wasnt the only one confused while reading Traceys post.


I hope you work it out Tracey.


I dont know if I will have anything for photo friday. Maybe on the weekend sometime. Its going to be hot so will be stuck inside. Im still busy putting the last of the 9 patches together and doing the wedges. I have 3 wedges done attached to their 9 patches.

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After reading what Tracey did...I'll probably wing it, too, when I get to the point where the pattern was wrong. It wouldn't be the first time I've had to do that.

And I used to think it was ME...turns out that many of the patterns I used were probably never tested!:eek

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Judi how is your blue star going. I am trying to finish the border so I can then start to connect the 9 patches and the wedges.

No new progress since the pic I posted way back...I have deadlines (self-imposed) on 2 other things that need to be finished...I'll bore everyone with thise pics, if I might?:yarn

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Don't feel bad Lady's I reread my post from last night and it almost confused me as well :rofl I will try to explain better when ya'll are at that part and need help. Ask before you start to keep from frogging so much.

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Why do we always take on so much:think ...?



It's fun, that's why!:yay :yay :yay


Hmm.. Yes. Why do we!LOL

This last baby blanket is one that my DH who does this:think When I pick up something else. (he seems to think that one should work on one project till it is done!!!!) asked me to make this baby blanket that I am working on now. :P Silly man.

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Hmm.. Yes. Why do we!LOL

This last baby blanket is one that my DH who does this:think When I pick up something else. (he seems to think that one should work on one project till it is done!!!!) asked me to make this baby blanket that I am working on now. :P Silly man.


Thats how my 3 year old is :lol If he asks me to make him something he is contently hounding me to keep working on it. If I even so much as look at another ball of yarn he tells me ... mommy work on my ______ Thats probably why I got so many projects done in Jan. since most of them were for him :lol My SIL asked him if he wanted a carebear, and she let him pick which one... since then he's wanted to call her every day to ask her if shes finished it yet :blush I guess thats motivation right?


As for my blue star It's been neglected. I need to finish up this other starghan for my friend and get them sent out to her ... So I'm making that my priority for right now. School starts today for me so I wont be having as much time to crochet :( But I will get back to this I promise. I will try to get a picture of where I'm at soon.

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Husbands and 3 year olds. Yep.. They have somehting in common alright!!!LOO


They don't have to be three year olds.....

Husband and Children of any age are demanding. Just having five minutes to myself is special, an hour is unheard of lately.

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Hey there, sounds like everyone is busy busy busy.


Well its friday today here.:yay :yay the weekend is near.


Its going to be hot day today and the next 2 days, I would love to swap weather with someone. who would like to, today is 38 degrees celcius and saturday and sunday is going to be 40 degrees celcus. Not sure what that is in farenheit but its HOT...


At least it means I can stay inside by the airconditioner and do heaps of crocheting.:yes

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Aussie - with the wind chill here it is well bellow zero Fahrenheit ..... which is FREEZING .... just walking outside took my breath away and its so crazy windy blowing all the snow around

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