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Blue Star Afghan CAL


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Hi, Cathy....welcome!:yay

This pattern looks challenging but it's deceptively simple (once you get past - and correct - the mistakes left in by the creator or publisher!). There's lots of help here if you need it!:hug

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Oh wait till ya'll get to the half granny, they are like sooo easy. I got all four done in an hour last night. I know I wasn't going to work on it, But I couldn't just do nothing sitting there watching TV.

Wendy yes I plan on doing this blanket again later on. A freind asked me last night to make a layette for her freind's unborn baby girl. I have tons of baby weight yarn in white, pink, and lite purple, so now I just need to find the right pattern.


Cathy~ Join right in, it's a fun pattern to do.

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Diane good luck putting your 9 patches together. Dont forget we are here if you have problems.


Cathy welcome to this cal. You will enjoy doing this one.

Thanks Wendy. I started edging the first few last night but had to sleep!LOL

I will be working on my ALS afghan today and plan on getting back to this one tomorrow. I am interested to get the first 9 patches on the star.

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The storm is supposed to hit here around noon and its supposed to be bad between 3-5. Hopefully it will be okay long enough for me to go to open interviews at a call center at 3. This will be the first BIG storm of the season for us.


I got all of my 9 patches reattached. I'm trying to work on 2 commissioned baby blankets tho too. Maybe tomorrow will be a lazy day with all the snow and I can work on it some more.

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wow girls I hope the storm wasnt too bad.


Krystal did your hubby get your yarn for you. I hope so we wouldnt want you to have nothing to do... hehe


Danielle well done on getting your 9 patches attached. Cant wait for photos.


You are all in for bad weather as we are in for very hot weather. Friday is going to be 38 degrees Celcius and Saturday and Sunday are going to be 40 and 41 degrees Celcius. Im so sick of this hot weather. Kellys tennis will be cancelled on saturday due to the heat. The girls will be so bored stuck inside all weekend.


I got a couple more wedges done. Just have to finish 4 more blocks so I can continue with the wedge attachments.

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I have been searching for Layette patterns all day, well not all day but close to it. I can't find one that I am happy with. Tonight I will see if I can find a booklet I had a few years ago with antique/ vintage layettes. I am hoping it is in my home office somewhere. If not, I will break down and buy the rosebud ripple baby set pattern. It is the only one that I thought was somewhat cute. Everything else just looked the same old thing, boring! Anyone got any idea's, I am looking for something very female and lacey. complete set of gown, booties, cap, ghan and pillow cover.

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Oh I stay away from most of them as well, Babies are easy, because if it's a little too big, they can grow into it. And the Mom's always love the blanket. I usually crochet a 3 to 6 mth size and it works out well. No snow here yet, although it says it is suppose to be, How about you?

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Light snow started just a bit ago here...who knows what we're going to get...at least when we're housebound we get lots of crocheting done:yay

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Well, I guess like most, we are getting a freezing rain mix. Roads were pretty bad this morning on the way in to work. But I did find a very nice car going on the auction block at the end of this month. One I have wanted for a while now. It's in my color (blue, I love blue cars) and it's manual. Miles are very low for the year, and the previous owner didn't destroy it. I am going to have to contact the auction and see if I can go up and see it before I bid on this one. Because If I do buy it, it will be mine. I told Hubby this will be my 20th anniversary present from him. :)


Sorry I am so off topic on this one, but I am excited and I want that car!

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We got another 4 -5 inches of snow yesterday. I did get to catch up a bit on my ALS afghan. I am going to have to put everything aside (including this one) because my husband asked me how soon I could get a baby blanket done. Seems that a senior in high school that works for him and this kids girl friend are going to have a baby sometime THIS month.

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Well, we certainly got a lot of snow- a foot or more overnight! :eek Kids are using up their last snow day today... hope we don't need more, or it cuts into their vacations! (Don't kn0w which one)


I finished the border of my star last night! I am starting on the 16 9-patches, but was wondering your opinion.... I have the darker variegate and the lighter variegate. I was going to use one in 8 of them, the other in the other 8. The only problem is that the darker one doesn't set off very well from my dark blue. I was thinking instead of putting the color on the "X" of the 9-patch, that I would put the white on the corners, and the variegate in the "+" or side squares of the 9-patch. What do you think? That way, the corners would be easily set off from the dark blue....


Right now, I'm doing centers for all the squares, then I'll do the sides, then the corners. Assembly line-style.


Question: I need to make my 16 nine-patches BEFORE I make the wedges, right?


I am also thinking of putting another FULL granny where they have the half-granny, and then make ANOTHER border like the original border around the first star. Remember, I need to make this big enough to go on the KING sized bed I have! I didn't want the extra to be ALL border. Can any of you that have joined your outer 9-patches let me know if this won't work for some reason? If I have time today (not likely), I will see if I can draw out what I want to do.... First thing would probably be to scan the original diagram, huH?


Well, I'm back in the game - and EXCITED!

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Krystal, you need to have two of the same block done to make and attach the wedges. Wedges are not finished off till the blocks are added in. So you can do two blocks and a wedge at a time. Breaks up the bordom of all 9 patches at one time. As far as the full 9 patch instead of the granny, I think it can be done. The border they are using is the cluster in the 1 ch sp and then attaching it to the third fourth sc of the edge of the block or granny. I hope this helps you.

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Tracey - thanks, that helps a lot! I played around with my graphics program today, and i think I have figured out what I'm going to do. Now, I KNOW this is going to take some working out of rows and stitch counts, etc. But I think it will work out...





You see I made the "half granny" a whole granny. :D And changed the center to the yellow to keep some yellow throughout, but not too much. However they attached the half granny is how I'm going to attach the whole granny. (Don't know how they did that yet).


Then I'll go around it all in the same fashion in the original border.

The tricky part will be to get the "right" number of rows. I'll have to do some serious thinking and planning at that point.


Then the "white". I'm not sure I like having that much white there, but everytime I put in another color or more squares, it all got too busy. So, I'll do rows of white, making the > end like they make the > end of the light outside border stripes (again, don't know how that's done, but will figure it out). Then I figure I'll have to sc around that area to do the next <-- --> zigzag border work out. Then join the corner grannies the same way the instructions did THEIR corner grannies. The dark blue is just going to be a regular old row border, but I might not have it be JUST dark blue, depending on how much of the variegated yarns I have left.


WHEEW! Nothing like making a difficult pattern MORE difficult! I think I'll be here awhile!

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