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Gauge & Hooks

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I crochet loosely, therefore I always have to go down in hook size to get the desired gauge. No big deal, right? Well, does anyone else have to go down THREE or FOUR sizes to achieve that gauge?


Here's an example of what I had to go through: Basic granny square, nothing fancy. When finished it should be a 6" square. The yarn is Lion Brand Microspun. On the yarn label an H hook is recommended and the pattern I'm using calls for an G hook. I use an E hook to make the square. It's still a bit larger than 6". So I make another one using a D hook. The square comes out to a perfect 6" without stretching.


I mean, are patterns crocheted that tightly that a larger hook is recommended? It seems so to me. There's another pattern (not a granny square) that requires a D hook. If I have to go down in hook size there's nothing lower than B other than steel hooks that are used with thread. I guess I'd have to tighten my crocheting, but that's not as easy as it sounds. I would start off crocheting tight then slowly ease up on the tension without realizing I'm doing so.


Who else is in the same boat as me?

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I have quite the opposite...I tend to knit and crochet too tight so I always tend to go up in sizes, but your right it can cause trouble within patterns.

alot of gauge is just how the designer hooks so as long as you get gauge geneerally you will be ok. Some one of perfer tighter fabrics some of us perfer looser, so its alot of personal perference

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I tend to crochet very loosely as well and my solution is to do very little that requires close adherence to gauge.




I totally agree, Darski. I have been ignoring gauge most of the time, but every once in awhile I do need it especially for people requesting a specific square size.

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I only really pay attention to gauge if I am making garments and sizing is a issue. I am usually pretty good on gauge with the recommenced hook size, but I do sometime crochet tightly, so I would have to go up in size...but that is with the aluminum hooks, I tend to be loose with the steel hooks, but I don't worry about gauge with my thread projects though.

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I'm usually pretty near the recommended hook size when worrying about gauge. But, like Darski, I don't do a lot of stuff that calls for it, except for a few caps. I did a modular sweater, but you size it as you go.


I have that problem when knitting though. I have to go down 3-4 needle sizes, which is weird to me because I don't think I knit that loosely. If I knitted any tighter, I wouldn't be able to put the other needle in to make a stitch. I tried to knit a vest, but even going down a few needle sizes, I apparently need to knit the small size. Guess I won't be knitting socks ever! I'm about over knitting anyhow--it's so slow, and I have more trouble recovering from mistakes. The only thing I knit much anymore is the occasional guy-cap and dishcloths. I'd like to knit a sweater, but I'd probably lose patience! I guess I have yarn ADD!


Sorry for the digression . . .

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