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Christmas Present Reactions

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Nobody in DH's family is very crafty, so my gifts had an EXCELLENT reception. People were telling me I should try to sell my stuff! :rofl I wish they knew how many of us actually make these things, even though THEY don't.


I hate to hear about the lady who found her hand knitted things in the trash... that makes me so sad. I really hope the person who threw it out was just an acquaintance and not a beloved family member... it would almost be more understandable that way.

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I am like everyone else. It does make you feel good when someone appreciates the gift you made them because they know that it comes from the heart. Anyone could go to a store and buy something, but I have always been the type that liked to receive something that someone has put their time and heart into it. I didn't make anything much for Christmas gifts this year but have already decided that I am going to for next Christmas.

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Everyone was very happy with what I made them. I got to see all the fabulous reactions except for what my parents gave my aunts and uncles. However I did get emails on them, as they knew my parents had me make their gifts and they loved them.

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So far, people have liked their gifts...one highlight was before my friend opened up her little wreath bag I crocheted (which she totally loved) she had seen all my crocheted doves I had just made and it was on the tip of her tongue to ask me if I would make her a dove...she was beyond happy when she opened the bag and there was the dove already...that was priceless..


Side note...I've written before about how years ago (12 to be exact) I made my mom an afghan and right after I left her place that night, she turned around and gave it to her friend and told me like 2 weeks later...crushed doesn't even begin to explain how I felt...and I still have issue...fast forward to my trip home to the states 2 months ago...last year she saw this V stitched bamboo boucle scarf I had crocheted and wanted one...and without thinking, I gave it to her...(and I had vowed NEVER to make her another thing again...) and when I was at mom's place she was all excited and said go upstairs and see what I did with your scarf...I'm scratching my head 'cause I don't remember the scarf...well, she had it drapped over her lamp and it's quite pretty...I think she's trying to show her regret over giving up that afghan...or at least regret that I got so hurt by her action...I'll accept it...now she's requesting Fair Isle socks...*roll eyes...*


Meanwhile, my dad requested dish clothes...I made him some when I was home, and for Christmas he's getting more...



I'm glad people had good and appreciative reactions to their work...

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I made most of my gifts this last year......


4 shawls

2 pillows

3 afghans

3 scarves

4 purses


WHEW!!! I was busy!! All of my gifts were received very well, in fact, the ladies I work with have come to look forward to my Christmas gifts! I wish I had taken pictures of my work before I wrapped them up.....I just didn't think about it....... Now, I'll take pics, and start posting them here - I have LOTS of folks to share them with!

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The afghans I made for gifts were well received, also. My sister said hers was the most beautiful thing she's ever seen, my sil cried, my brother asked, did you really make that?, and my mom said, oh my gosh, this matches my couch, but that was your whole idea, right? They sure made me feel good!

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I have to admit that I am always apprehensive when I give a crocheted gift and after the last three years I am not sure why that is. in 2004 I made afghans for three of the little kids and fun fur scarves for the little girls and i did a filet crochet for my aunt, we pick adult names in our family it is just too big otherwise. Everyone loved them. In 2005 I got fancy and crocheted Care Bears for all the kiddos, 11 of them, and the reaction I got was amazing the kiddos all hugged and snuggled with the bears and the parents all oohed did you make that and for my cousin i made a reversable afghan from an old alenes creative living mag to match her livingroom. In 2006 I started early June to be precise and made personalized pillows for all the kiddos, I will post pics and pattern as it is my own soon. and the reaction was even better than I expected every kid screeched and snuggled with their pillow right there on the floor and for my cousin, a different one, i made a navajo inspired blanket from all american afghans and she was just amazed, you made thisa was her response. This year I have already started all the kiddos are getting blankets to match their pillows, which knowing my family wil be as well received as the resto fo the gifts they have received.


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This is the first year I made crocheted items for gifts. I made my card club girlfriends - three of them - all a fun fur scarf. They loved them. I then made up a lot of other scarves in various patterns and let my other friends pick out which one they wanted - all were loved. I made a purple scarf for my aunt which I know she will love as she loves anything purple. Two kids scarves - 2 & 3 year olds, so any reaction can be expected. My cousin is getting a fun fur scarf. I made my mom a wide red scarf out of a homespun yarn that I stitched part way down to make a hooded scarf as she loves those scarves.


Only one person was un-appreciative of a gift. But, you have to know this person, she is very opinionated and I think rude, but she is my mothers friend since childhood and my mother and all the other lady friends put up with this person. My mom asked me to make her a fun fur scarf to give to this lady. When she opened it, she told my mother that she already had four scarves, what was she going to do with another one. My mom, smart women she is, said then give it back. I am now the proud wearer of a fun fur scarf I made as I hadn't made myself one when making all the others.

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I LOVED the "Did you really make that?" response. Funny...I got that response from my sister regarding a scarf I made for a friend. It was a lavendar chenille type yarn...I cant remember which brand and the it was a simple double stitch through and through with matching beads at the end of the fringe...my sister was so impressed with the stitches and how "perfect" they were. Sad part is that particular Sister did NOT receive a crochet gift this x-mas...she received a hand crafted by ME Eucalyptus swag.


My youngest sister however received an afghan, and she was also impressed...but more so with how much time she knew I put into it.


I made a few things, but those made me feel the best.



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