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need help with my un_done projects (anyone like me??!)

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hello everey one


i really have a huuuuuuuuuge problem



i`m a crocheter from 8months from kuwait


and i`m so sad because i feel bored and un intrested for the end of my projects


i promessed my feyonce>>> i dont know if its wrritten in that way :P

i prommesed him for 3 scarves and a heart shape medallion


now im done of 1\2 of the first scarve since months

yesterday started the second although the 1st is not yat done

adding to that my un done shawls , jackets , and a lot of things

i need a help i wanna do alot of things :angry i`m dessapointed of the jokes of me from my freind and familly



on the other hand in my country its the season fashion. I subscribed in an exebition last month and i made nice accessories but not sold all so more dessapointed :(


these are my photos


pleaaaaaaaaaase judge and help me what should i do :(










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You do some great work! Very creative!


You're supposed to enjoy your crochet! don't be discouraged. Just work at your own pace and take breaks when you need to.


If you get bored with the scarves that you are working on, try doing some more interesting patterns - if you are changing the stitches every few rows, or working on a design, you're less likely to get bored.


Just have fun - that's what it's all about! :)

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Your work is beautiful!!!!


I'm sure a lot of us here at Crochetville have the same problem with completing our projects. I think there's a thread in here somewhere entitled "Completion Issues". I'll search for it and let you know where it is so you can read it. You are not alone!!!!! I probably have 10 or more unfinished projects. It's just so much fun to start on something new!!! And like you said, it gets boring at the end. Try to think of what you will do with the item when it's complete.


Anyway, I'm setting my mind to finishing things I've already started. It's hard but you just have to do it. You must be firm as steel and resolve not to start anything new until the others are complete. I don't know how successful I will be but it's my goal and with a goal you have to keep it first! Don't let anything get in the way. If something creeps in to take you away from your goal, get back to it as soon as you realize it.


But I can see for you that the fashion season is very important! Maybe once the season is over you can set your goals to complete unfinished projects. Don't be too disappointed about not selling all your accessories; look on the positive side--you sold some!


About your friends and family...laugh with them about it!! And tell them that lots of us crocheters have the same problem!

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I'm sorry, I couldn't find the thread about completion issues...maybe someone else on here will know where it is. It's possible I saw it on another forum, I don't know.

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Your work is very good. There are a lot of us, who have quite a few projects not finished. Infact, someone state that they have several bags around, each with a different project, that they can just grab one when they go out.


It looks like you enjoy making small things. Try making granny squares and putting them into a scarf form, or make a hat out of them. Try free form, where they is a who section further down for that. This is making small things and putting them together.


Ha, wait till they see you with a lot of yarn, that is to be used at a later date for something you are not sure what it will be.


Take heart and just laugh along with your family and friends, they will soon tire of it. Also, we are always here to help where we can.:hook

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I found the "Completion Issues" on Knitter's Review Forums. There are 6 pages in this thread...start on page 3. There seem to be quite a few topics that don't really relate, but here are links to a few:








I don't know if you have to sign up to read the posts but it's like Crochetville (although I like the way this forum is set up better!). If you have any questions, please ask! You can pm me.

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you`ve helped me alot

i`ll do what you said and keep it on mined :)

thanks alot


Tampa Doll

thanks for your words am really thankfull for you



just to make every thing clear

i shared my photos just to know your openion about my work

and talking about sellin and exepetion was just a pease of my story about my work and how i feel about the finishing :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Your work is gorgeous!! I'm amazed that you've only been at this a few months!


I remember reading on here a few months back, someone said that what they do is allow themselves to start a new project, but that they'll work on it for a while, then put it down and get out one of their UFO's and work on that for a while, too. That way they're getting some variety in their work, but they're still working on what they already started, too. You might want to try that.


As for getting discouraged about people not buying your stuff... just remember, there were probably a few people who couldn't decided whether or not to buy, didn't, and then kicked themselves later for NOT buying your stuff.


I know I would have. :hook

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You do beautiful work. Your pieces are original and very creative!:cheer If people around you don't appreciate your creations, they obviously don't have very good taste!:lol Don't be discouraged, everything you have posted is great. :hug

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