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I googled smitten, and I found that it is a set of mittens for couples where the center mitten is used to hold hands inside one big mitten worn by both people! Now I am off to search for a pattern!

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here is a link for already crocheted ones



There are a few knitting smitten patterns, but the smitten name appears to be trademarked so I think other smitteny patterns have been pulled off line

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I'm almost positive one of the yarn sites has a pattern. They call them lover's mitts or something.


I looked for a bit but can't find them. I did see a knitting pattern if that might help.

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I know I saw a crochet pattern on-line somewhere. I thought they were so cute - but living in S. Florida I can't imagine....


If I find it I'll post. It was called something different, though.

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I have a pattern that I got a site for free a long time ago. I saved it in Word format, so I would have to email it to you.

I cut and pasted it exactly as it was posted, except I moved the picture of it to the top of the page. Anyone want it, please email me.

Or if someone can explain how to post it here, I tried before but it didn't work.

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Ok, I did it! Please remember this is NOT my pattern, but was from a free pattern online. I have long since lost the site info, but I copied it as it was written. Hope this is what you were looking for.







I started out with ch 4 and connected it to make a circle then ch2 counts as 1st hdc then 5 more hdc join in ch2 of ch3 w/sl st. next 2 rows increase to 2 hdc in every hdc from previous row then next couple rows only increase every 10th hdc.


Next row 10-15 rows I did fphdc in every hdc (untill big enough for hand to fit in


Then start to dc for 1-2 rows about every 10th hdc.


Now comes the part that is hard for me to describe....


fold bag in half and do fphdc's to about the halfway point then ch4 then do sl st directly across the bag (to make first hand hole) continuing bac in the oposite direction half way to complete first row of first hand hole connect to first hdc. Go around one more row of hdc's connect w sl st. Next to finish first hand hole do one row of alternating fptrc then bptrc in each hdc tinish off.


Connect with same color to first ch4 and then hdc in same as joining and do hdc in next 3 ch and continue in hdc's around to connect to make second hand hole.. Continue row of second hand hole same as first and finish with row of alternating fptrc and bphdc same as first hand hole then finish off.

I made a heart by ch2 then 3 hdc in first ch and 2 hdc's in every hdc increasing for another row or 2 then next few rows cut back increase to only first and last stitches of the row and the middle stitches were 1 hdc in every hdc.then to make the upper half moon of the heart just one hdc in every hdc and in center stitch make 1 sl st then increase again for second half moon of top of heart to hdc in every hdc to end and finish off. Then I just did the ruffle by changing to white and doing either 2 or 3 hdc's in every stitch as needed to make a nice ruffle.


The words I just used a yarn needle and white yarn. and attached heart to bag where it looks nice.

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