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Crochet Mastery.com


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Well, the only thing I can say about it is that it might help in some areas, but at the end of the day to become an accomplished crocheter the end word is always the same.. practice. The more you do the better you get and there is a wealth of free information out on the net and in book and from other crocheters a whole lot less expensive than a program.


There may be things in there that would help, but nothing can make you a master crocheter unless you just DO it... and put the work into it :) I will say what I say to everyone that asks "Is Crochet hard? Could I do it?" and I look at them and ask "Can you tie your shoes? If so, then you can crochet. How proficient you get at it just depends on you.. you've been tying your shoes at least once a day since you were a child.. think of how practice will make your crochet come forward skillwise as well" :) And there's no $37 charge (or $79 even.. eek!) ;):P She claims a crochet class would run from $55-$90 .. while at Michaels classes are $15 for a 2 hour class.. probably a little more if it was a personal, individual class one on one outside of the store environment but still not $55. I apologize if anyone knows this woman or she is a member on this board, but it has a decided marketing feel to it when all you have to do is ask, read and practice to become really good at this :) No ebook is going to do that for anyone without work.. sorry JMHO

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Interesting. It's probably no better or worse than any other publication on learning crochet. Whoever wrote the sales pitch is a whiz at copywriting. It could be a very good ebook. Without having it to peruse, there's no way to know.


If I was just learning crochet, having difficulty and didn't mind parting with the 37 bucks, I might be tempted to get this ebook. My only problem is that I'd probably rather have a real hard copy book, than an ebook. And I don't think I'd want to pay $37 for it sight unseen. She does offer a money back guarantee, though.

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I've never heard of this program...I'm intrigued and might give it a try just to see what it's all about. But I have a sneaking suspicion that she's not gonna have anything new to say that most of us don't already know and share on this board. I personally have never heard of the "average crochet class costing $90.00..." A specialized sewing class, yeah, but not to learn how to crochet...if there is such an animal past the CGOA conferences, which are not your average beginner crochet class, I'd like to know about it.


Now...one program I really want to try is the CGOA Master program...that is intensive and for me down the road it would be worth spending the money for that...that program is for one to not only learn something new (possibly) but it's a test of your skills and knowledge as well...


For $37.00, that's the price of 1/2 an order for Joann.com for me...that's the price of a couple of crochet books...it would be worth it for me just to satisfy my curiosity...

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Interesting. It's probably no better or worse than any other publication on learning crochet. Whoever wrote the sales pitch is a whiz at copywriting. It could be a very good ebook. Without having it to peruse, there's no way to know.


If I was just learning crochet, having difficulty and didn't mind parting with the 37 bucks, I might be tempted to get this ebook. My only problem is that I'd probably rather have a real hard copy book, than an ebook. And I don't think I'd want to pay $37 for it sight unseen. She does offer a money back guarantee, though.


This is the part I'm not crazy about...that it's an ebook and you have no way to at least read a sample or two before deciding to buy...


Now I've ordered lots of patterns on line that are PDF files, but one place in particular not only let's you download immediately upon purchase, but she sends you a cd for backup...not to mention all her other goodies that she throws in. I always feel like I get more than what I'm paying for when I do business from her.


One other thing...have to say that with the name like Crochet Mastery, my immediate reaction was "something for the experienced crocheter..." and then I was a bit annoyed when I read the copy because it's another "beginner" program (supposedly...) And even though she's got testimonies from more advanced people (I love that she added one from an 80 year old going on about the program...) it still just seemed that the target audience is going to be for someone either just starting out, or someone who hasn't crocheted much past the beginner or intermediate level...

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No Rachel, I've not used it, but my thoughts pretty much echo the others. There's alot of great information out there as good or better most likely than an ebook. And frankly, I take issue with broad statements like buy this book and become an expert crocheter in a very short time.. which is in a word bollox. Nothing will increase your skill with crochet except practice and doing it.. and there are ALOT of great sites online and in books you can purchase after previewing in the bookstore as well as sites like crochetville to get great help from people who have been crocheting most of their natural life for alot less than the cost of this ebook lol


Like someone else said, if you have $37 and want to give it a shot go for it :) But don't expect miracles.. it's nothing more than any other instruction book out there :)

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There was some talk sometime back, I thought here but I know on another email list as well. Amy posted about it on her blog, although she didn't purchase the set, either.


It does include the breakdown of what is claimed to be included, which shows that the crochet instructions are in the form of "online resource guide" (links to websites that tell you how to crochet) and a list of abbreviations.


Check out Amy (yarnaholic)'s blog for more - she has a really good writeup about it.

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Hmm, if you ever get thru the initial page, you will be too exhausted to even think about buying it. Too much hype, too much that sounds off to me in the testimonials. Typos, which drive me nuts, abound in the sales pitch. It is a poorly written, slow, underhand pitch. Knock it out of the ball field.

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You know what? That form is a template that the person who made that site used. It's a formulaic not so fancy advertisement, no different than spam emails and the like. I've seen it before. It's just spam.

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