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Crochet World Magazine Question


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Hi there :manyheart


I would please like to know your opionion on Crochet World Magazine.

I plan on ordering the free one, BUT, one really wouldn't show me if its a pretty good magazine or not. :think


What do you think about it?

Thank you!


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Some issues are better than others. It would be better if you could get it somewhere that sells crochet mags, so you could look at each issue. I personally like crochet world most of the time. NOWHERE around me sells any crochet mags, so I subscribe.

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I'm with JoAnn - look at a few first. They have such a variety of projects, from TP covers to afghans, with some thread thrown in. Some months I can't live without it, some months I'm not interested. Have you checked out their web site?

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I totally agree with the other posters. I'm lucky to occasionally get a crochet magazine the the military PX...and because of that, I just simply subscriped to as many as I could afford. And all the magazines are pretty good over all. It really depends on your preferences for what types of crocheting you want or like to do. Crochet World is a great magazines...it has a number of easy projects, but if you want something a little more sophisticated or challenging, I'd look at some other magazines like Crochet! White Birch publications has like 4 magazines I subscribe to: Crochet!, Annie's Favorites, Hooked on Crochet, and Crochet World. Annie's Favorites and Hooked on Crochet are wonderful little magazines that show pics of the projects in the issue on the back cover...and they are half the size of Crochet1 and Crochet World. Crochet! has been revamping itself to be a little more upscale and "modern..."


And what I've found is that some issues of all these magazines get me so excited I want to make nearly everything, and other issues, I'm lucky if I can find one thing to want to make...at that time. After 2 years of having these subscriptions, I've found that when I go back and flip through them again, something will catch my eye that didn't before, or that I just wasn't attracted to the first go round...


Good luck.

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  • 6 months later...

I ordered the FREE copy of both Crochet World and Hooked on Crochet. Now I keep getting invoices. No biggie, but the last ones I got say "PAST DUE"...well, duh. I hadn't decided that I wanted to SUBSCRIBE....


I went ahead and paid for Crochet World, thinking that of the 2 I would like that one better.

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I ordered the FREE copy of both Crochet World and Hooked on Crochet. Now I keep getting invoices. No biggie, but the last ones I got say "PAST DUE"...well, duh. I hadn't decided that I wanted to SUBSCRIBE....


I went ahead and paid for Crochet World, thinking that of the 2 I would like that one better.


With Hooked on Crochet, if you don't do something soon, either cancel or subscribe, they'll put you on their "bad people list"--it was phrased something like that. I decided to cancel mine, and I guess they never got the cancellation notice, so I kept getting invoices. Then they sent one that said I was going to be on their list of "bad people". I wrote them back with a few "bad" words of my own. :devil

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Bad People..LOL.


Hmm..well I hadn't thought of cancelling, since I hadn't really subscribed per se..ya know? I assumed (big mistake) that my doing nothing would let them know my decision. Of course now I think I want Hooked On, too!! But I checked out the www.discount.magazines site and it's MUCH cheaper going through there....

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Crochet World is o.k. once in a while. I might buy one or two a year, all depending. Some of their patterns are not very interesting. Once in a great while an issue comes along that is very very nice. They seem to put more effort into their holiday issues. I would buy a few before I subscribed. Some years ago, their magazine was really great,but times do change and preferences change.

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