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First striped hat!


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My nephew bought me a WHOLE bag full of yarn last weekend. 6 skeins of Wool-Ease T&Q and 2 Homespun! His request was for a skull cap with ear flap, but the kicker for me was he wanted stripes. Since I have never done stripes in anything, I was a little scared. And I couldn't find any patterns with ear flaps for this type of yarn, so I winged it. Not a huge deal I know, but for me it was another confidence builder.

And while my stripes are a little off at the spot where I joined rounds, he thinks it's the greatest hat ever. He even told me that I should make a bunch for our local street market, and sell them for $35-40. I love that guy...

I also added, per his request, the ear flap ties and the giant pom-pom.



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I think it is a great hat:tup.....and up in Alaska a hat like that would be a real asset! You COULD sell others there too maybe not for 40 dollars:eek; but ten or fifteen! Nice warm hand made hats would be real nice in the winter!:wgrin Make matching scarves and you are good to go! Anyway, thanks for sharing with us!:hug

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HAHA! No not for $40, but I just LOVE that he thought it was worth that! Made me feel really good. This is the second item I have made for someone other than my own kids, or charity. The first item was a halter top for my niece and she really hurt my feeling when she asked me to re-do it because ONE of the scallops on the top was a little crooked. So I was unsure of making another for fear of it not being "perfect".

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